Chapter Five

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Chapter Five w/ note :

Kyla's P.O.V

I fiddled with the bracelet that was resting on my wrist, "Where's Lars? I thought she was going to be coming back to hang out with us."

"I thought that, too," Aria turned her head to look at me, and then she moved it back over to look at Megan.

"She's with George," Megan replied. I couldn't help but let a smile appear on my face as Megan answered the question I had just asked, "I don't know when she is going to be returning, but she said they were going to Starbucks."

"Why can't George just ask her out already? We all know he likes her," Aria said before I could. She put her lips onto the straw of the milkshake she was drinking. We were currently at the Malik household, and Megan had made some milkshakes for all of us to celebrate the boys' return back to the United Kingdom. Zayn had been attacked by his two little girls, and they haven't been by his side since they saw him in the airport. He was in the living room with them, along with Niall, Liam, Louis, Vivian, Charlie, Josh, and MacKenzy, "He admitted it to us."

"I still remember that day he told us like it was yesterday," I sighed, and then took a sip of my milkshake, "He came over the day before the tour started, and he confessed."

"Because you threatened him," Megan laughed, "He is literally scared of you, Kyla."

"No he isn't," I gave her a glare, "He follows me on twitter, and he is in the contacts of my phone."

"Wow," Aria said sarcastically, "You two must be really tight."

"Not as tight as he is with Lars," I smiled. Megan sat down on a stool beside us. We were sitting at the island in the kitchen, "So, Megan, are you glad Zayn is back?"

Megan looked at me, and she smiled, "Yes. It has been three months since I've seen him-"

"And him leaving you trapped with the girls," Aria added. Megan rolled her eyes at her, "What? It's true. You had to deal with a depressed three year old, and don't let me get started on the girl who has a problem with the color pink."

"I love the girls. I don't regret a thing," Megan crossed her arms, "Zayn is great at taking care of the girls, and I love him. I just wished we could've had them a little later."

"You two need to get married," I said, "Zayn proposed to you before Harry proposed to Aria, and you guys have been delaying the wedding."

Megan hesitated.

"That's true," Aria agreed, "At first I thought you guys wanted to have it when the girls were a little older, but now it seems like you are avoiding it."

"That isn't it," Megan said. She looked at us with nervous eyes, and then looked down at her hands, "I'm busy with a role in a movie, and I have zero time to plan the wedding. The girls make me busy, too, but they're too young right now to be apart of a wedding. Remember Niall's brother's wedding? It got crashed. I don't want that to happen to mine. The girls are too young, and-"

"My wedding wasn't crashed," Aria cut her off, "And you guys allowed Zara and Ariana to be the flower girls."

"Yeah, but-"

"But what?" I asked, "You're afraid that it will get in the way of Zayn's career?"

Megan nodded, "He was at the height of his career when I had the girls. I don't want to take away more of his life by getting married to him."

Aria and I both exchanged glances, and then both blurted out at the same time, "He proposed to you!"

"Yeah, and?" Megan crossed her arms.

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