Chapter Thirty One

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{A/N : District3 split up.}

Chapter Thirty One :

Louis' P.O.V

"Who puts mushrooms on their pizza?" Laura said in disgust as she closed her menu and set it down on the table. She crossed her arms as she made a face. "Don't they grow out of the ground?"

"Yeah, and so do a lot of other things," Liam rolled his eyes.

Laura let out a sigh. "But who the heck puts fungi on their pizza? Like, c'mon! Whose idea was that?"

"I'm the same way about pineapple on pizza," Vivian did a shudder. Laura nodded her head in agreement. Charlie, who sat next to me, set down her menu.

"I regret coming here," Charlie said as she made sure her menu was laying perfectly straight on the table. "You all seem to complain too much about pizza. There are so many people in the world who are hungry and can't afford food. Be grateful that you can come to a restaurant and eat."

"You were the one who didn't get a present for Laura," I quietly sang. Charlie looked over at me and smacked my arm. "Ow!"

"You didn't get one for her either, Lewis," Charlie squinted her eyes before she looked back at Vivian and started a conversation. Liam was sat next to his girlfriend, and Laura was sat next to him. She looked around the restuarant, a bored expression was painted on her face.

"Hello, I'm Hadley, and I will be your wait-oh my gosh, you're Louis Tomlinson and you're Liam Payne," the girl said. Her eyes had gotten wide when she looked up from her note pad, and looked like she was about to faint. "I love you guys so much. I have all your albums, and I've been a fan since-"

"Are there any specials today?" Liam asked as he looked up from his menu and over to the waitress. He apparently didn't care that this girl was getting ready to confess her love for us. The waitress, Hadley was her name, looked to be lost for words.

"Um, yes," Hadley said as she began shaking. She pointed her pen towards the small rack on the end. "There is, um, a small little booklet that lists all our specials and new foods for this month. Is there, uh, anything else I can answer for you guys?"

"Why do people put mushrooms and pineapples on their pizza?" Laura asked.

"I don't know," Hadley said with a shrug. "I'm just a waitress, and I've only been working here for about two months. I don't know any, um, facts on pizza, and the history of it."

"Well, we would like to order now," Vivian decided before anyone could ask anymore questions that were irrelevant. "I would like a water."

"Do you have pepsi?" Charlie asked. The waitress nodded. "Then I'll have that."

"I'll have the same as her," I said pointing to my girlfriend as I handed Hadley my menu. She seemed to be rushing to write down our drink orders.

"I'll have a sprite," Laura said. She passed her menu over to Liam, and he handed to Hadley. "You do have that here, right?"

"I think we do," Hadley said. "Um, do you want me to go check and see, or do you-"

"And I'll have a pepsi," Liam said as he handed Hadley his menu. Hadley nodded as she wrote that down.

"I'll be right out with your drinks," Hadley gave a quick smile before she turned around and rushed to the kitchen.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she wrote a marriage proposal on my glass when she comes back," I leaned back against the wall of the booth.

Charlie gave me a look. "Marriage proposal?"

"Yeah," I answered. "I'm obviously her favorite in One Direction, and-"

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