Chapter Eighty Four

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Chapter Eighty Four :

"It's too early to be awake," I moaned in complaint. "Can you leave me in Ikea, and pick me up after you're done shopping?"

Kyla stood beside me, playing with the gloves she had covering her hands.

"Aria," my mother turned around. She was helping Jules, Kyla's mom, find a cute duvet for Audrey. "Ikea is a store, not a child care center parents leave their children while they shop."

"Well, can you drop me off at the child care center?" I asked.

"You aren't a child."

"But I'm carrying a child."

My mother rolled her eyes. "You are a twenty two year old woman. They're not going to let you in to play."

"I won't be playing. I'll be taking a rest on the plastic mats they have for nap time," I crossed my arms. "Also, I'm twenty three in December."

Kyla laughed. "Stating your age won't help win your case, Aria."

"Why do you want to leave Macy's so bad?" my mother asked. "It's chaos over in the child care center. Imagine all the crying and screaming."

I rose an eyebrow. "And Macy's isn't? Mother, I saw five teenagers fighting over a bottle of Between Us when we walked in. A man was just ordered out of here for threatening to pepper spray anyone who tried to buy the last Star Wars toaster. It's more of a zoo here than the child care center."

"You know what? I have a gift card for Great American Cookie," Jules, Kyla's mom, said. She dug through her purse to find her wallet. "Here you go."

She handed Kyla the gift card.

"Thanks, mom," Kyla said.

"No problem. Bring me back a cookie, okay?" Jules smiled at the two of us before looking back to the shelves of duvets standing before her and my mother.

My mother let our a sigh. "Bring me back an extra chocolatey cookie."

I gave her a thumbs up. "Will do."

Kyla and I walked out of the store. I plugged my nose as we tried to walk through the perfume counters. I saw a few pieces of glass and colored liquid on the tiles. Someone must've fought so hard for a perfume that the bottle smashed.

"So, why are you wearing gloves? It's like seventy three degrees outside."

"I'm a bit cold," Kyla shrugged.

We got to the Great American Cookie stand. Kyla ordered a rainbow chip cookie for herself and a peanut butter cookie for her mom. I ordered two double chocolate fudge cookies.

"Is that all?" the guy asked.

Kyla nodded, and handed him the gift card. It took about three minutes to get our cookies, since they just took out a fresh batch of the peanut butter cookies. The two of us walked to the tables the food court had, and sat down.

"How do you think the boys are?"

Kyla's dad invited Niall, Harry, and my dad to golf at the country club.

"Good, I guess," I said. I broke apart my cookie. "Harry just texted me a few minutes ago saying they just got done with the first hole, and your dad is mad because he didn't do so good."

Kyla rested her head in the palm of her hand. "I'm not surprised."

"I am so tired, and I'm not hungry, but I feel like eating," I yawned. "This cookie tastes awful."

Kyla laughed. "Then don't eat it."

"But then it'll go to waste."

After a few minutes, Kyla went to the bathroom. I played with the Great American Cookie gift card Jules gave us, and tapped it on the table. Kyla returned moments later. Her eyes were wide, and she didn't sit down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something."


Kyla motioned me to follow her to the batheoom. She locked the door behind me, and took in a deep breath. I wore a confused look as she closed her eyes and took off both gloves.

She held out her hands to me.

"Is that an engagement ring?!"

"Niall proposed last night," Kyla said.

"How?! He told me...he said he left the ring in London," I replied.

"Niall and I promised to not tell anyone, but I couldn't keep it a secret from you. It was killing me," Kyla said. She opened her eyes and covered her hands back up with the gloves. "Don't tell anyone."

"I won't."

"Including Harry?"

I nodded. "I promise. But how did Niall give you the ring when he told me he left it in England by accident?"

"He told me that bit," Kyla laughed softly, tucking some of her hair behind an ear. "Charlie calling you was a set up. It was supposed to make you think he wasn't going to propose because there was no ring so that when he proposed it was a secret and unexpected."

"He had the ring the whole time?"

"I guess so, yeah."

"I can't believe I was tricked. When did he propose?"

"Last night. But I'm not giving you any details on how he did it."

"Why not? I told you how Harry proposed to me!"

"Because I helped him, so I already knew," Kyla crossed her arms. "I pretended that I didn't, because you were so happy and just wanted to tell the world."

"Can you at least tell me one detail?"

"I said yes."

"Obviously. But something other than your answer?"

"All I'm going to tell you is that it was special."



Just thought to tell you all. :)

Anyway, this is filler. I planned on doing a scene with Niall and Harry and their father-in-laws, but then I was like, "um, no." because it's 12:16 AM as I'm typing this and I'm tired and nothing major would have happened.


Only 1 more chapter left. :(
(It's going to be all in Harry's POV)

I decided to split the epilogue up into 2 parts, too, so you all have 3 things to look forward to.


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