Chapter Fourteen

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{A/N : I haven't been updating lately because I have finally moved to my new house, and haven't had the time to type a new chapter. Hope you all understand.}

Chapter Fourteen w/ note :

"Aria, how do you know that?"

"A little birdy with curly hair told me."

Liam cursed quietly into the phone. I gave off a small giggle.

"You know, I actually forced him to tell me," I said as I studied the apple that I took from the basket that was in the kitchen of my flat. Harry and I had left the Malik household, and then returned to our own. "It took some begging, though."

"What type of begging?" Liam asked.

"Some kisses here, some kisses there," I said picking up the apple and throwing it up in the air. I caught it was my hand, since I didn't throw it up that high into the air. I could imagine Liam rolling his eyes right now. "You know, Liam, it was actually Megan that made Harry tell us. She tackled him, pinned him to the ground, and threatened to call 911 if he didn't tell us."


"She said she would make up a story saying that Harry was trying to kill Zara and Ariana-"

"But Harry loves Zara and Ari-"

"I know, but it was a little lie," I stated. I took a bite out of my apple. I swallowed the chunk I was chewing. "Or a threat as Harry liked to call it."

"Tell me again why I know you?"

"Becaure you're dating one of my friends, and Louis had gotten us into this mess by making me come to his flat, becuase he wouldn't give me a bag of carrots," I replied. I took another bite from the red apple. It was really juicy.

"So basically this whole thing started off by Louis taking a bag of carrots?" Liam questioned.

"Yep," I replied. "So, when are you going to pop the question?"


"When are you going to ask Vivi to become Mrs. Liam Payne?" I asked. I heard Liam groan loudly on the otherside of the phone. "I'm sorry if I'm getting into your love life, but you have to tell me."

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm married, and I know how to work this marriage thing."

Liam laughed. "Wow, Aria. Just wow."

"What?" I asked. "Are you making fun of me or something?"

"No. It's just, the way you talk to me over the phone is weird. You're just like, 'what is your deepest darkest secret, Liam?'," Liam tried to mimick me.

"I don't sound like that!"

"And I don't know why the heck Harry told you guys! It was supposed to be a secret!"

"I know. But how did you get her dad to say yes?" I asked.

"Unlike Megan's dad with Zayn, Vivi's dad actually likes me," Liam replied. "While I was in the states, I decided to ask him if I could marry his daughter, and-"

"He said no?"

"He said yes."


"And hopefully Vivi will say yes to me."

"She will, Liam. She loves you more than animals, and she loves those," I said. Liam laughed. "Well, I should be helping Hazzy Bear with movie night-"

"Did you just seriously call your husband 'Hazzy Bear'?" Liam asked.

"Yes, why? Does that make you mad because I don't have a nickname for you?" I asked.

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