Chapter Thirteen

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{A/N : I'm out of school now. I just moved to New York. I have to unpack things in my new house. If anyone hasn't noticed yet, I'm busy alot lately, and this is just a little notice for explaining my lack of updating my stories.}

Chapter Thirteen w/ note :

Kyla's P.O.V

"Louis, you need to focus; what does Charlie like?" I asked for what seemed like the millionth time today. Louis just stared at the wall with the pen in his hand, almost lifeless.

"Okay, let's get onto an easier question..." Niall decided after less than a minute passed. "What are good lyrics for a love song?"

"I can't believe Charlie would think I would cheat on her," Louis sighed dropped the pen, and leaning his back against the couch. I looked over at Niall, and he just gave me a look that told me he gave up. I sighed, too. "I mean, what type of boyfriend would cheat on their girlfriend that they love so much? Certaintly not me."

"There were pictures, Lou," I tried to say, "And-"

"I know the story," Louis snapped. I closed my mouth. I've only seen Louis upset once, and that was the time that Charlie told Louis that she wanted him to meet her parents. 

After a few minutes of silence, Niall began to speak again. "How about instead of writing a new song, you sing one of our old songs?"

Louis looked over at him. "That would make me seem desperate for a song."

Niall sighed. "Then I give up."

I looked over at my boyfriend, and then over to Louis. "Liam sang on of your guys' songs when he wanted to show Vivi that he loved her, and Niall sang me a song off of Take Me Home when we broke up that one time."

"The song Niall sang wasn't even on the album yet," Louis rolled his eyes. "He wrote that, and then later on we added it to the album when we were finishing up on it."

I sighed. "Then I give up, too, Louis."

"Why? I need help to get my girlfriend to love me again," Louis whined. "I need you guys to help me, and-"

"We are offering help!" I exclaimed in an annoyed tone. "But you're too stubborn to even accept the fact that we don't want Charlie to break up with you, either!"

Louis just stared at me for a long time, and then grabbed the pen he dropped. He began scribbling down on the piece of paper that he had in the notebook on his lap. Niall tried to lean over to see what he was writing, but Louis moved it out of his sight. When he was done, Louis handed it to me.

I read it over. I looked up at Louis, and smiled. "I think this might work, Lou."

Louis smiled back.

Niall looked at me, then at Louis, and then back at me. You could tell he was confused. "What might work?"

"We just have to do it quickly," I ignored Niall. "If we want it to work, and-"

"That's why we have to start right now," Louis stated. He stood up. "We need this to work."

I nodded with a smile. I looked back down at the paper. "Do you want me to get Harry and Aria to help, too?"

Louis shook his head. "I don't want them to know. They'll just ruin it."

"What?" Niall looked at Louis. "What is the plan?"

"Ask Kyla," Louis walked out of the room, and Niall looked over at me.

"Kyla, tell me what it is," Niall whined. "I don't want to be left out of this."

"Don't worry, Ni. You won't be left out of it," I laughed. "It's something that requires alot of help."

"Just tell me what it is," Niall rolled his eyes. "I'm your boyfriend after all."

"Okay, okay. Here's the plan..."

Liam's P.O.V (This is rare)
{A/N : The entire time writing this P.O.V I pictured Liam's wax figure instead of him...}

"Vivi, there you are," I said stopping my girlfriend as she walked out of the employee break room at the animal shelter.

"What are you still doing here? I thought you were busy making up ideas for Louis and Charlie," Vivian retorted. She tried to walk away, but I blocked her. Her brown eyes looked up at me, and a death glare formed into them. "Is there a reason why you're not letting me pass?"

"I wanted to apologize for acting like I did with the ideas," I replied. Vivian crossed her arms. "And saying that I thought you loved Niall more than me."

Vivian smiled. "I will always love you more than the others, Liam. You're my boyfriend after all."

I smiled back at her. "I also-"

"What else is there to apologize for? I should be apologizing now," she sighed and gave off a small laugh. "I want to say sorry for calling you a bad guitar player, and fighting with you about the ideas. I shouldn't have done that-"

"And we were acting childish," I finished for her. Vivian nodded. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too. It was mostly my fault, and-" I cut her off.

"It wasn't your fault, it was mine."

"Liam, I'm not letting you take the blame. I was the one who started it-"

"I was the one who started it, Vivi. Not you. It was my words that got us to fight, and-"

"Why can't you two just shut up and kiss already?"

We both turned around to see MacKenzy staring at us with an annoyed look.

"How long have you been listening?" Vivian asked.

"Since the first apology," MacKenzy rolled her eyes. "You're both very stubborn, you know that? That's probably why God put you two together. You guys were a match made in Heaven."

Vivian and I both shared a laugh.

"So are you two just going to both take the blame for the fight and forgive each other?" MacKenzy asked.

"But it wasn't Vivi's fault-"

"Liam, it was my fault-"

"Vivi, it was my faul-"

"Liam. Let me take the blam-"

"You two are acting like you killed someone right now," MacKenzy joked. "Just kiss already, and then we can live happily ever after."

Before I could say anything, Vivian kissed me.


I have a quiz on my message board about the books, so you can look for the questions (they're all in the same message) and you can answer them by adding #KatQuiz before you do.

OMG! Liam and Vivian fighting make me laugh...they're so cute together. And Niall and Kyla...there will be much more stuff with them later! :D

That leads me to this comment question : Who is your favorite couple in the book? And you have to explain why!
a.) #Haria
b.) #Zegan
c.) #Nyla
d.) #Loulette
e.) #Livian

Comment Question #2 : Favorite friendship and why?
a.) #Naria
b.) #Georga
c.) #Karia (Kyla and Aria)
d.) #Ziall (the shopping memories...)
e.) #Chivian or #Varlie (Charlie/Vivian & Vivian/Charlie)
f.) #Naura

with more to come, xoxo

-Kat :{)

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