Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve w/ note :

"Laura, what are you doing here?" Megan asked as her little sister walked into the kitchen. Laura sat down next to me on one of the bar stools, and set the shopping bags she was holding down gently on the ground.

Laura looked at her sister. "Niall and Kyla went to Louis' flat."

"Why?" Megan asked. Laura shrugged.

"Kyla got a text from MacKenzy and Niall got a text from Liam," Laura tried to explain. "It was something about Charlie and Louis, but they wouldn't tell me what because they didn't know either."

"Okay," I began. "This seems creepy."

"Don't you think?" Megan turned around, and began looking through the cabinets. "Laura, did you eat lunch yet?"

"Why creepy?" Laura ignored her sister, and stared at me. "How does this seem creepy?"

"Zayn got a text from Liam asking him to go to the animal shelter," Megan answered for me. "And now Niall gets a text. Something is going on, and I want to know."

"I do, too. But of course, I can't be apart of this weirdness because I'm too young," Laura rolled her eyes. Megan chuckled at her sister, and pulled out a box of pasta. "What's that for?"

"We didn't eat lunch yet," Megan answered as she bent down to get a pot. "Did you?"

"Yeah. I had pizza with Niall and Kyla," Laura answered. Right when she said this, her eyes grew wide. "Oh my gosh! You guys will never believe this!"

"Believe what?" I asked as I played with the straw in my drink. "George finally asked you out?"

Laura glared at me. "No."

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"Okay, so Kyla and I were walking around the mall trying to find Niall, and-"

"Niall got lost again?" Megan asked. "He really needs a leash or tracker in his phone."

Laura and I laughed, and then Laura got back to her story.

"So, when I turned to look around, I saw Niall in this jewelry store," Laura said with a smile on her face. "He was talking to the lady about something, and then I told Kyla I'll meet her at the food court because I had to use the restroom. When she was out of sight, I went into the store, and Niall was holding this small bag." Laura showed how the big the bag was with her hands. "And he wouldn't tell me what was in it, but I have an idea what it might be."

Megan and I both shared looks.

"Niall and Kyla have been with each other for a few years now," Megan said. I nodded.

"And they have been getting a little serious for a while," I added. Megan nodded at that.

"True," Megan tapped her chin. Then she started to smile. "Niall might propose!"

"Yeah, that was what I was guessing," Laura rolled her eyes. "I was going to share my thoughts, but you guys started to saying things."

Megan's outburst had caught some attention from Harry. Harry walked into the kitchen. "Who is proposing? I heard something about someone proposing."

"Niall might ask Kyla to marry him," I said with a huge smile. "Isn't this exciting?"

"How did you find this out?" Harry asked. Megan and I pointed to Laura. Laura smiled at the curly haired boy. "And how do you know this?"

"I saw Niall in the jewelry store, and he didn't want Kyla to know," Laura replied. Harry looked confused.

"How come Niall didn't tell me about this?"

"So that you and the others won't ruin his chances!" Megan snapped as she went to get some spaghetti sauce out of the cabinet as she started to boil the pasta. Harry rolled her eyes. "He might want it to be a surprise, Harry. You guys ruin everything for him."

"Like what?" Harry crossed his arms.

"Like on their one year anniversary, Niall wanted to do something romantic and special, and you and Louis crashed it," Megan answered. "And then for Kyla's birthday, you guys stole the present Niall got for her-"

"No we didn't," Harry said. "We didn't steal the gift."

"Yes, yes you did," I agreed with Megan. "You and Louis wanted to know what he got her, Niall wouldn't tell you, so you two idiots went along and opened the gift."

"And Kyla didn't notice a thing."

"Yeah, because she thought that it was meant to be in the cake," Megan turned back to look at Harry. "You are an idiot and always will be, Harry."

Harry rolled his eyes. "You're just jealous that Liam didn't tell you what he was going to do with Vivi."

This got all of the attention in the room. Harry cursed under his breath, and soon, he was attacked by questions.

"What was Liam going to do?"

"Why do you know?"

"What with Vivi?"

"Harry, answer us!"

Harry glanced around to each one of us, and then quickly said. "Liamtoldalltheguysontour,butwantedtokeepitasecretbecauseyouguyswouldspoilitforVivi."

And then he walked out of the room. Or shall I say sprinted, because that is what he did.


This is mostly a filler chapter, so it isn't that long....sorry. I just really wanted to update the book and notify you what was happening in the other side of the story :)

I got out of school, and I miss it...mostly because I'm moving three hours away from my home town and won't see any of my friends every single day like I usually do. But, hey, it's life :) Yeah, that doesn't really work... :(

I spent most of the weekend so far at Rae's house, and we were watching The Wanted's a disturbing show. Like, they kept dropping the f-bomb (they bleeped it out) and it was just creepy in some ways....and just so most of you know, I don't hate The Wanted. I actually like them. I love their music. I'm just not obsessed with them. I don't get why directioners hate on them. Sure the band has twitter fights with 1D, but that isn't a big deal to hate them. So if you hate them, please don't leave any mean comments. Thank you ;)

Comment Question : If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Why there?

with more things to come in the book, xoxo

-Kat :{)

P.S - My friend (Jasmine; @rainskyblue), Rae, and I both have a co account (@Hogwarts_Students) and are planning to be writing Harry Potter fan fictions. So if you're a Potterhead, go check that out! :D


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