Chapter 1

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Klaus's POV

I woke up weak in a dark room that seemed like a basement, when I look up I saw Davina Claire which made me growl. I try to get out but I had chains that were in the wall and somehow my strength wasn't enough.

"You can try all you want but they are magic chains. They take you your strength, that's why you can't get out." She said with an evil smile.

"What do you want?" I asked showing her all my rage. Who does she think she is to do something like this? I am Niklaus Mikaelson, the Original Hybrid!

"You manipulate me. You used me when you needed a witch. You made me think that you could help me with my mother. You killed my friend. Kol died and you just moved on like nothing happened. And I'm just talking about me. You killed thousands of innocent people just because of revenge or rage or even boredom. You need to have some punishment." She said and I just looked at her. "You are going to be in a prison. But not just any prison... you are going to be in your personal hell."

"And what would be that?" I asked with a smile trying to hide how I am feeling so weak and maybe even afraid of the answer.

"The prison where is the men you fear the most." She said.

"Mikael" I said to myself and she nodded with an evil smirk then she start to murmur some Latin words and everything went black.

I woke up and I was in the middle of the woods, I decided to start walking and make sure if I am in Mikael's prison, because witches can always prank you. Alive or not, they are a pain in the ass.

After I walk a little I saw Caroline's house, but there was no noise. In the ground there was a newspaper and I check the date. I was right, I am in Mikael's prison witch makes my own personal hell.

I can't believe, one day I finally kill the men who tormented my all life and the other I am sending to the place where he is...

I need to think about a way to get the hell way of here, and then I remember one thing that Davina told me when she made the prison to Mikael as a favor to me: Only the pure heart is the one who can take people from prison. The truth is that exists an ascendent that just with a little blood of a person who has a pure heart it can leave the prison and take with them whoever they want.

"Look who decided to make me a visit." Mikael said angry.

"Mikael I want to get out as much as you." I told him.

"Well, I can help you with that. If I kill you, you can't be here or in anyplace anymore..." he said with an evil smirk.

"But there is a problem that nobody can dies in a prison. Not me, not you. Anyone dies. That's why it's a prison. You just stay dead for awhile and then you came back for life."

"I thought it was just me."

"You try to kill yourself?" I asked surprised.

"You would do the same if you hadn't anyone to talk to and see there was nothing you couldn't do to get out of here." He said and I just nodded.

We went to my mansion, and we decided to take the best of it. I didn't tell him how we could get out because he deserved to stay there, the only thing I told him was that we couldn't get out of Mystic Falls because it's the place where it began magic, it was the place of the Original Witch.

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