Chapter 21

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Caroline's POV

Klaus wanted to stay home but I wanted to take a walk, so after a few minutes, we were walking, because he can't resists my puppy dog face that I learn with him, we were now walking when we heard some steps.

"Nik, did you hear that?" I asked and he just nodded, he put me behind him in a way of protection and when we went to the noise we saw Elijah and a beautiful blonde women that was human.

"Nik..." She said with her eyes sparkling and run over to him, she hugged him and he hugged her right back, making me feel jealous like I never felt before, not with Matt or with Tyler when he was with Haley.

"Miss Forbes, is really nice to see you again and know that you are good." Elijah said as polite as ever.

"It's nice to see you too, Elijah. And please call me Caroline or Care." I said smiling and he just nodded.

"Oh, sorry. How rude of me..." The girl said when he saw me talking with Elijah. "I am Camille, Niklaus' friend. But please call me Cami."

"Hello! I am Caroline, but you can call me Care." I said and force myself to give her a smile.

"Oh, I heard tones about you. Nik told me a lot about you." She said with a smile.

"Really? Cause he didn't told me a thing about you..." I said and then added "so... Where did you guys know each other?"

"New Orleans" klaus said.

"Yeah, my first impression of him was the hot British guy that give a hundred bill for a tip." Camille said making me want to rip her out of her chest.

Who does she think she is? Why is she here? Did she had a thing with Klaus? Maybe they were dating before he went to this prison and that's why Klaus never told me anything about her... Omg, I really look alike her. I Klaus's Cami back-up. I can't believe this is happening again...

"Caroline?" Camille said interrupting my thoughts.

"Sorry. I was... Not important." I said.

"So how is living with him. I just ask this because I know that is not very skilled about how to behave with other people and feelings..." Cami said.

"Oh... I didn't know you two knew each other that much..." I said.

"Can I talk with Caroline for a minute?" Klaus asked, Cami and Elijah nodded and went to the Salvatore's boarding house. "Is something wrong?"

"No." I lied... Badly.

"Love, she is just my friend. You are the one I am with." He said holding my hands.

"Yeah, because I was the one who was stuck with you in this prison. Probably if Cami would be here with you you guys would be dating. Maybe you guys dated before this all happen and I don't even know it."

"Caroline Forbes, I love you and Camille, was, is and only will be my friend and nothing else." He said and I nodded, I wasn't convinced in what he told me but I decided didn't show it because I didn't want to make him think that I am just a jealous little pathetic girl, I already show him to much of my insecurities.

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