Chapter 61

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Caroline's POV

"We need to be this close... You need to be ready to do that." He said.

"I'm ready." I said trying not to show how I want him so badly, then I took some steps backward.

"Oh really?" He asked. "Imagine that we are in one of Marcel's parties, and I see people that are looking at us with suspicions looks because they see us not to close..." He said getting once again closer to me. "So I decided to whisper something to your ear, like..." He said, leaned and whispered "You look beautiful like always, my love." And stayed there making me feel his breathing in my ear. It was like this he wanted to play, so game on.

"I will say that it was all for you." I whispered to his ear.

"And if I decide to do this?" He asked me, while wrapping his hand on my waits and making me feel sparkles inside but I snapped out of that.

"Then I'll do this." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and put a smile on my face.

"What if I got even closer, closing the space between us?" He asked with a smirk.

"Then I do this." I said leaning and looking at his lips that were forming a smirk. "And I land my lips on yours." I whispered to his lips, then I noticed in something that made me smirk.

"You better calm down. This is just for show." I whispered to his ear, making him see that he got a boner and left with that.

Klaus's POV

"God, this women will be the death of me." I said and then vamp speed to the kitchen and drink from a maid, it was the only thing that could stop it the boner fast enough to nobody realize what that happened. After that I went to the living room and saw Caroline and my siblings talking.

"It's really true? You guys are going to fake be together?" Rebekah asked me.

"I decided that they should know. I hope it wasn't a problem." Caroline said.

"Not at all. But you know what that means love. We need to start doing couple things."

"And what are those couple things that we need to do?"

"Nothing much, just hang out, hold hands and stuff like that... But there is one thing that I need to do to everyone see that you are going to be their queen along with me forever."

"And what is that?" She asked.

"Niklaus are you suggesting?" Elijah asked me

"It's the only one to people truly believe this is going to happen."

"But how about her freedom?" Rebekah asked me.

"What about my freedom?" Caroline asked us.

"She will still be free." I told Rebekah

"Not entirely." Rebekah said

"Guys..." Caroline said but was cut off by my sister

"Don't you think that's wrong. She..."

"Stop talking about me like if I wasn't here. Now someone tell me what the hell are you guys talking about." Caroline yelled at us making my siblings looked at her shocked, but I looked at her with proud. She was my Caroline.

Caroline's POV

"To everyone take us seriously we need to have the bound ritual."

"Bound ritual? What is that?" I asked.

"It's something that only kings and queens that are vampires or werewolves and rule some places that have supernatural creatures do. But they are after that ritual, bound for eternity." Elijah explained me but I was still a little bit confused.

"That means?"

"After the ritual, we will be... Connected. We will make a pact of how we are going to trust each other with the most private stuff and we are going to be able to feel what the other is feeling if it will be strong. If one of us will to a place that is far away from the other we will feel something missing in our heart because inside of us we will want to be together for the rest of our lives." He explained me, then added "But if you don't..."

"No. Let's going to do that ritual. Whenever it will be more appropriate." I said cutting him off, then smile to them. But the truth is that I didn't know how to feel because it will be something that would change my life and he would know what would I feel when I had a strong feeling about something and maybe about him. Yes I would abdicate a little of my freedom but I wanted to do this.

"We need to do this ritual as much soon as we can." Elijah said.

"And that would be when?" Rebekah asked.

"We can do tonight. I'm going to talk with Nandi." Klaus said while getting up, I get up and put myself in front of him.

"Don't you think I better be the one who is talking with her. We both know that you are not really nice to her." I told him.

"Fine. Try to be as soon as possible." He said with a smirk and I fight to not rolled my eyes, then went to my room and called Nandi.

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