Chapter 12

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Klaus's POV

I woke up with Caroline moving and moaning something that I couldn't know, because evens with my supernatural hearing I couldn't hear, I called her name and was begging her to wake up, then she wakes up without breath.

"Thank God you awake... I didn't know what was wrong with you and you didn't wake up, and..."

"I saw it." She cut me off.

"What did you saw?" I asked confused.

"The ascendent" I said and he wined his eyes.

"What? Where is it?"

"I don't know." She said and then added "the only thing I remember was seeing it in a hole that was in a wall behind a painting, but I don't know the image of the painting... I just... I can't remember. I'm sorry." She said looking down.

"It's okay" I said making her look at me "You don't have nothing to be sorry about."

"Why aren't you mad at me?" She asked me and now I get up and looked at her angry.

"Why? Because I'm Klaus Mikaelson. The monster that only knows is to get mad and destroy everything around him?" I asked angry not showing how hurt I got with her question.

I can't believe she asked me if I was mad, what does she think? That I only want is to find the ascendent and don't care about anyone? I thought that she knew me well enough to know that I am not like that for how much I want to deny it. She was the only person I ever talked about how I really felt and the one of the few people that I show how I am. I let her in in my life, I showed her how I really am aside the monster and still... And the worst is that I can't help of worry about her.

"No. It's just I know that you want to get out of this prison and..."

"And you think that the ascendent is my only gold and that I am only here because I think you are the key... Right?" I cut her off.

"No. I... I"

"Just stop it. Don't try to come up with an excuse. The truth is that you only want me here because you know that I am the closest person to you and the only person who can save you if something happens to you is me. The truth is that this thing of me living in here with you it's just you way to survive. You are using me. Just admitted." I said angry.

"How can you think something like that of me?" She asked.

"Came on, Caroline. It was always like that... When you or your friends needed something you flirted with me, you used me in the day you knew how I felt about you. And I bet that what happen between us in the woods was just you getting your revenge for Tyler choosing revenge over you." I said angry, Caroline punch me and used vampire speed to get out of the house.

I replayed our discussion in my mind and cursed myself for what I said to her and for showing her how much affect she has in me. Since I turned I stopped believing in love, I passed centuries knowing beautiful women and none of them made me feel like Caroline does. Caroline was the only women that reopened my heart and show me that I was still capable of love, but the truth is that I would never get Caroline and it's probably truth what I said, Caroline didn't had true feelings for me but it was only revenge. I made love to her but for her, probably it was just sex.

Caroline's POV

"Came on, Caroline. It was always like that... When you or your friends needed something you flirted with me, you used me in the day you knew how I felt about you. And I bet that what happen between us in the woods was just you getting your revenge for Tyler choosing revenge over you." He said, I punch him and used my vampire speed to get out of the house.

I went to the middle in the woods, in the right same place where we made love and was still with the discussion playing in my head. How could he think that of me? Doesn't he know me at all? How could he say that I had sex with him for revenge? Who does he think I am? A whore? I can't believe that Klaus thinks that I was using him. Does he think that I really don't care about the other people feelings? Does he think that I am just some selfish girl?

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