Chapter 7

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Klaus's POV

"You really believe in what you told Stefan? About we being all monsters? Do you think you are a monster?" I asked now thinking about that maybe she feels like being a vampire is a horrible thing.

"Yes, I believe that we are all monsters, even me... But before we being monsters, we are people and people make mistakes, and sometimes we need to do horrible things to protect the people we care about, being of our specie or not." She said and I remember Tyler.

"Are you talking about Tyler?" I asked but it was more a statement then a question.

"No. I'm talking about my mom." She said and I gave her a confused look "My mom died of type rare of cancer and when we found out she had cancer I thought about how vampire blood can cure a lot of people of different diseases so I try to hold on to hope. I went over to a patient that had the same type of cancer that my mother had so I used him like if it was just an experiment, the problem is that it didn't work, he just became a vampire with a type of cancer that doesn't exist so I killed him..."

She looked down and I almost could feel her sadness... I pull her to a hug witch she accepted, I stroke her hair and told her that everything was okay. After a few minutes she broke the hug and gave me a small smile.

"I think I better go make the dinner." She said and walked over to the kitchen, so I decided to follow her.

"Do you want any help."

"No, thanks. But you can stay here and talk with me." She said and I smirk.

"I always wondered..." Caroline said and then look at me and added "How old were you when you turned?"

"25. Why?"

"Curiosity. I think it's nicer to think that we only have 8 years of difference instead of 1005 years..." She said making me chuckle.

"Why are you thinking about our age differences?" I asked smirking.

"No reason. Just wondering." She said.

"Fine. Don't say." I said smirking.

"You never told me how you got turned. You know how I became a vampire, I think I should know the story of how you turn into a vampire."

"Well, there was a car accident and I got some internal bleeding so Damon give me some blood vampire so I could cure myself. In that night Katherine smothered me with a pillow turning me into a vampire, then when I woke up I start to smell the blood, I walked over to the smell and saw a blood bag I didn't knew why but I wanted to drink it. I just drink that and in the morning I drink a little of the nurse's blood but stop myself and compelled her, in that night it was the festival in the school and... And I drink from someone until he die." She said with a guilt look.

"It was the only way so you could survive." I tried and she shocked her head.

"It was wrong. It shouldn't be like this. For me to live, a innocent person needs to die." Caroline said with guilt.

"If you could go back in time, would you kill him or would you chose to die?" I asked her.

"That's the worst part. I would do all over again, because I like being like this." She said and then added with a smile "yes, you were right... I do prefer who I am now, to the girl I was before."

I smiled and said "it's okay to like to be like this. And you even being a vampire, you are the most human person I could be."

After awhile the dinner was ready and we start to eat, we talked, smiled and she made me do something that nobody was capable of doing before, talking about how I was when I was human. When I was in New Orleans I talked with Cami about my pay but only things after I turned and then I make her forget everything, I only talk to her about my problems because she reminds me of Caroline, of course she doesn't even compares to Caroline but... It was the only way that I found out to feel closer to Caroline.

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