Chapter 9

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Caroline's POV

After we eat the breakfast, we went to the living room and start to drink because we didn't had any blood.

"You never told me..."

"What did I never told you?" He asked me filling his glass with bourbon.

"How it was becoming a hybrid..." I said and hoped that he wouldn't get mad. The truth is that he knows everything about me and I don't know anything about him, it's unfair.

"It was probably one of the worst days in my life." He said seating down next to me and avoiding eye contact.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because it was the day I found out that my entire life was a lie. When I made my first human kill, my wolf side was triggered making me turning into a hybrid and be Mikael's biggest shame, because he find out that I was not his child but Ansel's and he got upset, so... That night Mikael slaughtered Ansel, his family, his pack and half the village's werewolves, this wasn't enough so he made my mother use dark magic so my wolf side to lie dormant." He said looking at the ground and hiding his face from me, and for some reason a tear fall from my eye.

"But you become a strong person who..."

"I just become more damage than I already was in a human. And for how much I love birthdays, it just reminds me of the bad things and that I didn't have happiness in my life." He said.

"You need what my friends did for me in my birthday, in my first birthday that I had when I become a vampire. I am going to show you." I said getting up.

"I don't know. I don't want to get out of here." Klaus said drinking the rest of the bourbon.

"Please..." I tried, he looked at me and get up.

"Fine. You win." He said and I gave him a smile then he asked. "Where are we going?"

"Woods" I simply said and he nodded, we walked a little bit and then I stopped in the place where Matt, Elena and Bonnie did my funeral.

"We are here" I said smiling.

"And where exactly is here?" He asked me.

"Well, in my birthday I was sad because becoming a vampire meant not be 18 years old and stop having those experiments that we have when we get old and stuff like that and I start realizing that I will always will be like this and I will never be in the same place in a long time because people would notice that I was not aging..." I said, took a deep breath and then added "So, for cheer me up, Matt, Elena and Bonnie decided to make me a funeral and that is what you need to."

"A funeral?" He asked me hesitant.

"Yes. It's a way to say goodbye to your old life and move on."

"I guess it's a nice idea. But it's only us..." He said.

"It doesn't need to have a lot of people." I said and then I start to light some candles that I bring.

"Here lies Niklaus Mikaelson. A beloved son and sibling. He is determinate, confident, sometimes way too cocky..." I said chuckling.

"Hey..." He said interrupting my eulogy and chuckling a little bit but then stop.

"He is strategic, one of the great qualities that I enjoy about him." I said and he just smirk. "He is an artist, a great friend and the few people he let it in, he made them see that not everything is what it looks like... And I'm really grateful that I am one of them." I smiled to him and added "So... Rest in peace so Niklaus Mikaelson could move forward and enjoy the good things that life has for him..."

He gave me a smile and I hugged him, he missed my head and thanked me.

"I am really glad that you let me see who you really are." I said breaking the hug and we stayed there looking at each other's eyes, I got lost in his beautiful blue-grey eyes, then I noticed he was looking at my lips. But I couldn't do this, I can't handle be with someone that is probably going to dump me when get bored.

"We better go." I said and start to walk over to the house, Klaus stay in the same spot for a little awhile but then start to follow me.

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