Chapter 6

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Caroline's POV

After I took my shower, I realized that the Salvatores didn't had curling iron witch meant my hair wouldn't be as curled as I like it, don't get me wrong I looked nice but I always prefer to use the curling iron so my hair could be as curled as I would wish. After that I went to Stefan's room and take a t-shirt of Klaus (when he went to live here he bring a lot of his stuff, specially clothes), his t-shirt was like a dress to me so I decided to be only with a t-shirt.

I went to the kitchen and saw in the table eggs, bacon, orange juice, a cake and he was now putting some pancakes.

"Wow" I said to myself making him look at me.

"I think that is my cue." He said smirking "you look beautiful in my t-shirt."

"Well, don't get used to it. We are going to shopping today." I told him, then looked at the table and added "You know that you didn't need to do all this. Some cereals were okay."

"This is how should be all your breakfasts." Klaus said.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because this is a breakfast meant for a queen." He said smirking and I rolled my eyes, then we seat and start to eat.

I couldn't help but moaned when I taste his pancakes.

"OMG! This is so good" I said closing my eyes to taste all the ingredients mixed and dancing on my mouth and he smirked at me "I think I'm in love with these pancakes."

"Thank you" Klaus said chuckling at my commentary.

"So... are you today going to help me find new clothes to me?"

"I don't know why do you need new clothes. I think that you look beautiful in mine." He said smirking and I gave him a look. "Fine. But we need to be careful. Mikael can't know you are here or he will make my life a living hell."

"What do I have to do with him making your life a living hell?" I asked and I saw some fragility in his eyes, so I added "We'll be fine. Don't worry so much. If we are going to be stuck in a prison, we better loosen up. Think it's like some vacations of the supernatural drama crap."

"I will try." He said and then we went to his car and he start driving to the mall, when we got there, I grabbed his hand and make him go with me to my favorite stores.

I tried dresses, t-shirts, jeans, shorts, boots, I tried everything and Klaus gave me always a compliment or something like that. How I missed him... I missed his smirk, I missed him flirting with me, I missed  his accent, I missed his dimples, I missed getting lost in his beautiful blue-grey eyes, I missed how he made me laugh and made me feel special. I missed him so badly.

I was now looking at myself in a mirror, seeing how I was with a simple white summer dress, he get out of the couch that the store had and walked over to me with my back facing him.

"You look ravishing in that dress." He said in almost a whisper looking at my eyes through the mirror and I gave him a smile.

"I think I have all the clothes I need. At least for awhile..." I said turning to look at him.

We went back to the mansion and I made him tell me why did Davina send him to his prison, he didn't want to talk about it but after I insisted he start talking, let's just say he wasn't nice to her...

I just had stop with putting my clothes in the wardrobe and putting my shampoos and curling iron and makeup in the bathroom. I know that I am stuck in a prison, but I need to look pretty, special when Niklaus freakin Mikaelson is living in the same house as me, yes it's me who asked him to live here but I just remember this afternoon that we are going to be here for awhile and I didn't know what was going to happen or if something was going to happen, I mean we are going to be with each other 24 hours a day.

Klaus's POV

Honestly I don't know why Caroline bring so much clothes and so much of that stupid makeup. Doesn't she knows that she is perfect without makeup? Even without makeup she is the most beautiful girl that I ever seen.

Caroline was looking at some book when she come downstairs, making me look at her and admire her beauty.

"What are you looking at?" I asked her trying to get back at reality.

"Just a this book that I made and has a lot of pictures since I went to high school and didn't believe in any supernatural creatures and stuff like that. I was just a human." She said with a smile, then seat down and I seat next to her.

"Look" she said pointing the picture where she was with Bonnie and Elena. "We took this picture in the first day that we went to high school. Elena's parents had died that summer so I suggested we took a photo to make her move on and then look at this picture and see that after everything we always would be there to help her."

She was smiling when she was remember this simple thing about the first day of high school, it was like she saw a light or something special in a day that is like every else.

"You look sexy with this." I said pointing at her with the cheerleader uniform.

"Yeah, I was the team captain and I love it. Special because I could order the girls to do whatever I want." She said and I couldn't help but chuckle, she really is meant to be a queen.

A long with the photos that she showed me, she told me stories behind them, some were sad, some were funny and some were happy.

"You can't mocking me about doing this photo." She said tapping some photo that I couldn't see.

"I would never do that."

"Okay." She said and took the hands so I could see it, it was her with a vampire face making me be surprised because even with her vampire face she still had her light, and she looked magnificent when she was with a vampire face.

"You look..."

"Horrifying, I know." She said.

"No, of course not. You look perfect..." I said and she look deeply into my eyes and gave me a small smile, then blush a little bit.

"You know what is the story behind this photo?" She asked and I shocked my head "Stefan was trying to stop to drink from humans again, but there was one night that he drank again from a human, she texted me saying it was urgent and that he did something awful, we meet in the bridge and he told me how he killed an innocent person, he just kept saying that he was a monster and that he is a horrible person, so the next day I took a photo of myself in vampire form, then I showed him and told him that we are all monsters and some of us just hides better than others."

I looked at the photo and smiled, not because of how magnificent she looked but because of the message behind the photo. Now I could see why she told me that there's always a message behind photos.

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