Chapter 16

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Caroline's POV

I woke up first then Klaus, so I decided to get out of bed and make breakfast. After 15 minutes of trying to get out of bed because Klaus was holding me really tightly, I took a quick shower, put a blue dark summer dress and my leather boots then I put my makeup and walked to the kitchen to make 2 fried eggs for each other and some slices of bacon, when I put everything in the plate, I made it seem a face where the eggs were the eyes and the bacon make a smile, when I was Finnish of putting everything in the table Klaus showed up.

"Good morning love!" He said smirking and then added "You could awake me so I could help you."

Klaus's POV

"No. Today I am on your service. You win the game last night." She said smiling and I nod not showing that I was almost desperate to know the answer of the question I made to her. We seat in the table and start to eat.

"This is really good" I said when I tasted the breakfast.

"Thank you." She said with a genuine smile and after we finished eating she asked "What are we going to do today?"

"I don't know. How about we see a movie?" I said but it was more a question because I wanted to know her opinion, in fact I wanted to know what was she thinking, not just now... I wanted her to tell me what she was thinking all the time and what she wanted for her life and most of all I wanted to be part of her life.

"It's fine by me, but we can't see a horror movie. I hate those." She said and I nodded with my usual smirk "chose the movie."

"What about the breakfast club?" She asked when we walked over to the living.

"It's fine by me." I said and she just gave me a smile, then put the DVD playing and was about to seat next to me but I put her on my lap.

"You know that I can seat on the couch right?" She asked and I smirk because I saw my old Caroline.

"Yes, but I want you on my lap." I said smirking and she just start to see the movie.

After a few minutes I moved my hands from her waist to her belly and pull her so she could be closer, she didn't argument and continue to see the movie like nothing happened. I put her hair all in the right side.

"I am going to drink from you." I whispered in her ear with my lips almost touching her ear, and she gave me a confused look.

"I am really hungry... And I miss blood." I whispered and it was a lie, I just wanted to feel her blood, I felt it once, when we were in the woods and I remember that it was amazing but I wanted to feel again her blood, taste a little more of it, she looked back at the tv.

"Okay. But it's an exception." She said making me smirk, I looked at her neck with lust and kissed it softly then I bite her (vampire bite) and start to feel her blood in my organism, it was magnificent and I didn't want to stop, it was one of the greatest feelings in the world. It was delicious.

"Klaus..." She moaned really low so I couldn't hear but I have original vamp hearing which meant I could hear even more then normal vampires, and I couldn't help but smirk.

Then I stopped and kissed in the place where I had drink her blood, then I start to travel my lips to her neck and stopped myself when I saw that she had a necklace under her clothes that seemed familiar.

"Can I see the necklace you are wearing?" I asked and she gave me a confused look.



"Okay. But you can't be cocky for me to wearing it." I nodded but was confused with her statement, then she showed me that she was with the necklace that I have to her after we made love in the woods, I told her that it was a way so she could have something to reminded of me by.

"You keep it..." I said to myself.

"Yeah... For some reason I couldn't take it off." She said looking at the necklace.

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