Chapter 83

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No one's POV

Today was a big day for Caroline and Klaus, it will be the first time that they would go to the doctor to see the baby, until now they had current visits of a doctor that Klaus knew but today they would go to a consult to see the baby and see if everything was okay.

"I'm so nervous. Do you think the baby is okay?" Caroline asked Klaus because he could always calm her down.

"Of course, if something was wrong then the Doctor that come to the Quarter would tell us something..." He said trying to calm Caroline but also trying to calm himself, he was nervous but he didn't show it in front of anyone, specially of Caroline, the only person he told about how scared he was of something would be wrong with the baby or Caroline or, anything really, was with Elijah because he was my big brother and was the brother that had always the wise words.

Klaus's POV

"Mr. and Mrs. Mikaelson." The nurse said and Caroline got up from the chair along with me.

We went to the doctor's office and he told Caroline to seat for now on a chair where she would lay down so we could see our baby and I was next to her holding her hand.

"For what the previous doctor that you were in told me, you are pregnant for the first time and it's the first time that a hybrid and a vampire procreate, am I right?" The doctor asked us and we nodded.

"But is something wrong about that?" Caroline asked the doctor.

"No, it's just... It never happened so I can't tell you what powers will have the baby. When is 2 vampires then the baby grows up and when decides to become a vampire, drains someone out, when is 2 witches then the baby will have powers and learn to control them with someone of the family and when it's 2 wolves, the baby grows up and at 16 turns for the first time in a wolf and kills someone. The only hybrid experience that we have known until know is when is witches with humans and wolves with humans, but you... It's like wow! I never expect this, specially that the first couple would be with the king and queen of New Orleans." The doctor said and I change glances with Caroline because we weren't sure if we made a good decision about picking him, he was the best in New Orleans that also knew about supernatural creatures. "Sorry. I'm just excited. Mrs. Mikaelson, you may now lay down so I could see if everything's okay."

Caroline did what the doctor said and never stop holding my hand, I could feel her fear of something would be wrong, I just hold her hand and try to make her feel calm.

"Oh... I wasn't expecting that." The doctor said to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"Is something wrong with the baby?" Caroline asked worried.

"No. Everything is fine. Actually I have some good news for you two." He said while looking at the monitor.

"What is it?" We asked at the same time and then smiled to each other and look back to the doctor.

"You're going to have twins." He said and we smiled.

"Can you see the sex of the babies?" Caroline asked smiling and with a smile that was brighter then already usual is.

"You two agree with that?" The doctor asked to me making Caroline also look at me and I nodded with a smile. "It's a boy and a girl. Congratulations!"

"Really?" Caroline asked and a few years fell from her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked concerned about her.

"Am I okay? I'm wonderful. I'm having 2 babies, a boy and a girl like I always wanted, with the men I love. I couldn't be happier..."

"I love you too Caroline Mikaelson." I said with a smirk and kissed her passionately, then I just broke the kiss when the doctor cleared his throat making us get back to reality.

"My apologies, doctor. We were so happy that we didn't realized..."

"No need to apology. It's nice to see a couple who truly love each other like you two." He said with a smile. "Now, for what I could see, your babies are going to make you drink more blood than you're used to and you should drink just human blood from the vein, you can also drink from blood bags but from the vein have more nutrients for them..."

"And I will just know about their powers after the birth." The doctor said and we nodded then Caroline and I thanked him and got back to the Quarter

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