Chapter 69

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Caroline's POV

I can't believe I actually agreed on sleeping in the same bed as Klaus. What was I thinking? How am I going to be able to be in the same bed as Klaus and not feel nothing. I still love him and want to be with him but we broke up and now we need to sleep in the same bed to people believe that we are still together.

I was now on my old-new room and make sure everything was where I wanted, after Jessica put everything in the place I order, I stay there still question myself if I did the right thing.

"Hello love! Is good to have you back in our room." He said while closing the door.

"Remember that it's for show." I said.

"Yes. But I'm anxious to share again the bed with you." He said smirking.

"Who told you that we would be sharing?" I asked him and he gave me a confused look. "I told you that we would sleep in the same room, but didn't say nothing about sleeping in the same bed. Now if you excuse me I'm going to say goodbye to my room."

The day passed really quickly, I called Matt to know how was everything with him and how was the things in Mystic Falls, after that I talked with Rebekah about me going to sleep in the same room as Klaus and she told me about how Marcel is trying to get her back but she is trying to make hard to get because is tired of getting hurt, then it came dinner and now was the thing I was afraid more of the day, sleeping with Klaus again.

I was preparing myself to go to bed when I saw Klaus about to lay down on the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting ready to sleep. Unless you want to do something more active..." He said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"No. I'm going to sleep in the bed but you are not."

"Where do you expect me to sleep, love?" He asked.

"Floor." I said and he gave me a look. "What?"

"You're beautiful but I'm not going to sleep in the floor."

"Do you expect to be me sleeping in the floor? What a gentleman..." I said sarcastically.

"I can't believe I'm actually going to sleep in the floor." He muttered to himself in a low voice so I wouldn't hear but I did.

I thought in answer him but I decided not to, I already risked to much by making him sleeping in the floor, so I just give him a blanket so he wouldn't get cold even if I knew that vampires don't get cold. I lay down and try to fell asleep without any success because I was feeling bad for Klaus being in the floor. Stupid conscious. I tried a couple more times but nothing, still awake.


"Hmmm" he said and seemed upset which was understandable.

"Are you awake?"

"Yes" he said and now I was sure that he was upset.

"I was thinking and you shouldn't be uncomfortable, so maybe you could..." I was saying and in a blink he was laying in the bed next to me.

"I was seeing the you never asked." He said.

"How did you knew that I was going to ask you?" I asked him by giving him a look making him smirk.

"I know you and I knew that you wouldn't be capable of letting me sleep in the floor." He said.

"Whatever." I said and turn to the other side making him facing my back and trying to have some space between us for not be thinking in things that I shouldn't.

"Love, why are you so far?" He asked after awhile, with a sleepy voice and I didn't know what to say, then I felt him pulling me to be closer to him and then we spoon. How I missed this... 'No. Bad thought. You are here just to people not get suspicious. Don't think about him in that way. You guys broke up. You are not allowed to be needy.' A voice said to myself.

"I missed this..." He whispered to my ear and start to travel his hand to my was and again to my belly.

"Klaus..." I try to say with a warning tone but it come in a whisper.

"Don't you?" He whispered to my ear making me feel his breathing in my skin and then he kissed near my ear, and whispered again to my ear "Doesn't feel good?"

"You promise." I said and he kissed my cheek.

"Just say stop when you want me to stop." He whispered and kissed my cheek then let wet kisses to near my ear and whispered to my ear. "Doesn't feel good?"

"We..." I tried but then he kissed my neck and didn't took long until he found my sweet spot and I bite my lip to not moan.

"Sweet dreams, love." He whispered to my ear and rest his head in the pillow making me be desiring for more of his kisses, but he continue to move his hand from my waist to my belly and from my belly to my waist. And I fell asleep  with the amazing feeling of his touch in my skin. I missed being like that with him so much. It's going to be so hard to keep saying no to him.

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