Chapter 29

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Caroline's POV

After dancing, having fun and drink human blood from the vain, we went to the Quarter, he told me it was big, I just thought it was another mansion but when I got there I saw it wasn't just a mansion but a super mega mansion.

"Wow" I said to myself and saw him smirk.

"Now, when you enter in here, you will be officially the Queen of the Quarter."

"I don't care about that. I just want to be with you." I told him and he kissed me passionately, I kissed him right back and when I broke the kiss it was just so I could catch my breath.

We smiled to each other and then he took me to his home. When we come in, I saw Elijah with a suit and Rebekah with a smile, she hugged Klaus when we appeared.

"I missed you so much Nik." She said and gave him a tight hug, he was surprised but then hug her back, after awhile she broke the hug and look at me.

"This means we are going to be sisters?" She asked with a poker face.

"I would like that. Specially if you like shopping."

"Welcome to our family!" She said smiling and hugged me really tightly.

"Rebekah" I tried to say and she realized she was hugging me to tightly.

"Sorry" she said while letting me go. "I finally am not the only women in here. It's awesome!"

"But it has their cons..." I said and she gave me a confused look "Every time you will be with a guy that you like I will want all the details."

"Really? Same here. Except when you doing something more intimate..." She said with disgust.

"Okay, so will be a lot of stuff I won't tell you." I said smirking and Klaus smirked with that thought, and his eyes were now burning with lust and anger witch made me blush a little bit.

"From now on, Caroline will be the Queen of the Quarter."

"I don't really care about that. But one thing that I want is you and everyone calling me Caroline Mikaelson." I said and they all looked at me surprised, specially Klaus.

"You sure about that?" He asked me.

"Nik, I love you and I want everyone to know that you are mine and no one else's." I said with a smirk and he kissed me.

"Gross." Rebekah says making me realized that I wasn't alone with Klaus.

"I guess what is left me to say is welcome to our family Caroline." Elijah said and gave me a hug making a very confused Rebekah.

"When Elijah and the Camille girl went to find us Elijah kind of became a really good friend." I explained to Rebekah.

"Yes, and he knows that if he looks to Caroline with even a thought that isn't properly of a guy who is just a friend, I will make him suffer." Klaus said with his low scary voice to Elijah.

"Even if that happens, you know that it's you the one I am with." I told him and noticing him calming down. "And by the way, the same thing happens to your little friend Camille. If she tries something, she will regret it."

"Wow you really are meant for each other." Rebekah said making us look at them.

"We know" we said at the same time, then look at each other, I just wanted to kiss him but I knew if I did that I would lost the notion I'm that we weren't alone.

"So... Where's your room."

"Not my room. Our room." He said and I blushed, making him smirking even more.

I went upstairs with him and he showed me our room. It was really big, had a desk and had a little couch that could be there 2 people, there was an awesome painting of the city of New Orleans on top of the king size bed, he had also a closet and a private bathroom in this bedroom.

"What do you think?" He asked me and I didn't want to say it was perfect, which it was, but I liked to tease him.

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