Chapter 28

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Caroline's POV

Klaus took me to his jet, I still couldn't believe that I was going to New Orleans with Klaus in a freakin private jet.

"Caroline, are you sure you want this?" He asked and I seat on his lap and kissed him.

"I'm sure this is what I want." I said when I broke the kiss and he smirked, showing his adorable dimples. "But I want us to establish some rules, because now we are in the real world."

"What rules?" He asked now serious.

"Well, when you are going to drink from some women, I don't want you to let her kiss you." I said and he chuckle. "Is not funny."

"I'm sorry." He said trying to stop laughing.

"I am a very territorial women. And nobody messes with my men but me." I said and he smirked.

"So I am your men?" He asked smirking and I kissed him.

"You are mine, and mine only." I said and he kissed me. "Other rule is no lying or omitting stuff."

"Okay. But it works for the two sides." He said and I nodded.

"I love you." I said and he kissed me.


We are now in New Orleans, he made one of his guys, put our things in his house and he took me to a bar like he had promised me.

It was a nice bar, with great music, and had people dancing like crazy. I definitely miss this...

"Hello!" A girl said with a flirtatious smile to my Niklaus.

"Leave." I compelled her.

"Why did you do that? She could be used for us getting a drink."

"I'm sorry if I don't like to see women flirting with my boyfriend." I told him.

"I love seeing you all jealous."

"I'm not jealous." I said and he just smirked. "Fine. I might have been a little jealous..."

"How about we dance?" He asked and I smiled.

We went to the middle and start dancing, his hand were around my waist and my arms were around his neck, we were closed but a few seconds after dancing, he pull me closer to him, making our bodies be all over each other. After awhile I decided to turn around so he, to tease me, start kissing my neck and a few seconds after that he reach my sweet spot.

"Nik" I moaned and I felt his smirk on my skin, I turn to see him and kiss him passionately.

I still can't believe that Niklaus Mikaelson is mine.

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