Chapter 8

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Caroline's POV

I went to the guest room, which was the room I was sleeping in and I fell asleep really fast. I woke up in the middle of the night with Klaus's screaming, I run over to the room he was in and saw him having a nightmare and kept yelling no.

I walked over to the bed, where I seat, then o cupped my hands in his cheek and start to call his name to wake him but nothing worked.

"Please, wake up... Klaus... Klaus..." I tried but nothing, I could see it was an intense dream and it was probably about Mikael.

I remembered that when I was younger, my mother only made me wake up when she did kiss me on the cheek or in the forehead, so I needed to try it. I kissed his cheek and called his name again, I kissed again his cheek, then his forehead and then I went to the other cheek, and finally he woke up almost without breath.

"It's okay. I'm here. You're okay." I said when I saw his panic face, after that he calm down. "Are you okay?"

"Yes" he said.

"Great" I said and then slapped him in the face "that was for scaring the heel out of me."

"Why were you scared?" He asked with a smirk.

"Because I care about you, you jerk" I said and he chuckle. "Well, I better go..."

"Can't you stay here for awhile?" He asked and I nodded with a small smile, I lay down and Klaus put his arm, pulling me for a hug, I used his chest as a pillow and feel asleep with him stroking my hair.

Klaus's POV

I woke up with the most beautiful girl, if Mikael wasn't here I thought that this place would be my heaven... I get out of the bed without waking her up and start make pancakes because yesterday I could see that the thing she most liked it was pancakes.

After preparing the breakfast I went to the room and she wasn't there so I decided to go to the room where she was staying, I open the door and saw Caroline in a towel and nothing else.

"Klaus! Towel! Knock." She said and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I love the outfit you chose." I said smirking.

"Very funny. Now can you give me some privacy just so I could get dressed."

"Okay. Well, the breakfast is ready. It's pancakes" I said and she smiled with her eyes sparkling, then I went to the kitchen and start to serve the pancakes, a couple of minutes after that she showed up.

Before we started to eat, Caroline asked me whipped cream and some blueberries, with the blueberries she made a smile and 2 eyes, then with the cream she made 2 fangs, turning a normal pancake to a vampire pancake like she told me then when she saw me chuckling about what she had done, she did the same to my pancake and then with the cream also put 2 wolf ears.

"Now you have a hybrid pancake." She said smiling, and when I look at the pancake my smile faded away because made me remember when I turn into a hybrid for the first time and what Mikael called me.

"... Or an abomination" I said, then she rest her hand on top of mine making me look at her.

"You are not an abomination." She said like if she had heard my thoughts and gave me a small smile.

"Unfortunately I am..." I said looking at the table because I didn't want her face when she saw me so vulnerable, I didn't want to see pity in her eyes when she looked at me.

She grabbed my wrist and I saw her flashback of when her father found out about Caroline and torture and how he refused to became like her, I saw her asking her father why he did hate her so much, I saw how much hurt she had and I wondered how she could act like nothing happened in the Ball that Esther organized.

"When someone tells you who you are, you just need to fight back and say 'no, this is who I am'..." she said, making me meet her eyes and I didn't saw pity but understanding, so I gave her a small smile.

"Now we better start eat before it becomes cold." She said and we both start to eat and when I look at my pancake I no longer saw an abomination but a powerful creature. I don't know how but just with a simple conversation she can make me feel better.

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