Chapter 15

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Klaus's POV

"I had an idea." Caroline said with a bottle of bourbon in her hand and seating next to me on the couch. "What do you think about we asked questions to each other and we can only answer honestly. If we don't want to say the truth we need to be the other slave for a day."

"I like that I idea." I said smirking because now I could ask whatever I wanted and she needed to say what she truly felt. "Ladies first."

"Okay... Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" She asked and I knew she was talking about when I left to New Orleans.

"Because I couldn't say goodbye to you and think that it would be a chance to never see you again. The reason I didn't say goodbye was because it was too hard to go away without you by my side... even if there is a chance that you will never be with me." I said the last part to myself and when I realized I didn't say in my head I just hoped she didn't heard it."

Caroline's POV

"... even if there is a chance that you will never be with me." He said very low and I almost didn't heard even with my supernatural hearing, I didn't know I was that important to him but I fake that I didn't hear the last part.

"Do you really believe that after everything I've done and all the kills I did, there is a possibility for me to be saved?" He asked me showing me a part of him that he didn't show to anyone, how vulnerable and fragile he can be.

"Yes, I do. It's truth that you are impulsive and temperamental and sometimes you hurt people to show that you are the alpha male or that you are right..." I said and saw him looking at the ground with a disappoint look at my answer "... But you also show how you care about your siblings and their safety, you show me how you want me to be happy even if it hurts you..." I said and he looked at me confused "You are capable of being safe, in fact I don't think you need saving, along the time I saw that you were no longer that person that always cared about the power. You saved yourself with the help of your family." I said with a small smile.

"And with your help." He said and I just gave him another smile.

"Now, it's my turn. You really feel that I was and/or am just using you?" I asked because even after the apologies I still needed to know if he truly thought like that of me.

"When we were in Mystic Falls and you flirted with me for helping your friends, I thought that you just used me and that when you felt alone you would talk to me." He said and I couldn't help but feel hurt all over me for he thinking like that. "But along the way I start to see that you weren't use me and when you did the flirting with me thing it was for saving your friends which is explanatory. And now I know that you never used me just because you felt alone." He said and I gave him a small smile.

"Okay. It's me." He said nervous and I just nodded "Did you regret what happen between us in the woods?"

"No." I said and I saw his eyes sparkling, his face light up and a smirk showed up with my simple answer. I decided to make a question that I was dying to do, even if it made me seem a needy girl. "For you am I just a challenge completed?"

"No. Of course not." He said, I look at him trying to see any sign of lie but I just saw honesty. "You are so much more than a challenge to me." I gave him a weak smile and he hugged me and whispered "I'm sorry if I let you believe that. That could not be any further than the truth."

"It's my time to ask." He said breaking the hug and asked "Do you still have any kind of feelings for me?"

Klaus's POV

I hoped that she said yes but instead she said "you win."


"I don't want to answer your question so I am going to be your slave for one day. Starting tomorrow cause now I am really tired." She said and left to our room or Stefan's room.

I simply stay there and wondered why she didn't answer me, probably her answer was no but she didn't want me to suffer or see me mad... After a few minutes I decided to go to bed and sleep because staying up and try to figure out her truly feeling wouldn't help, believe me I tried to do that a lot of night, just messed up more with my head.

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