Chapter 36

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Caroline's POV

After the breakfast Klaus went with Elijah to his office to discuss some business, and I could see it was code to talk about something else, probably me attacking that innocent girl. But in my defense, I didn't kill her, I just erase her memories and made her never coming back.

"Care, can we talk alone... Without...?" She asked pointing to everywhere so I could know it was so anyone could hear.

"Sure. Let's go to my room."

"No. Let's go to mine. Nobody is allow to go to Klaus's room. You were the only person who went to his room and got back alive... Or half-alive... or not exactly dead." She said thinking what term was better adequate because u was a vampire and technically I was already dead.

"Okay." I said with a smile and went with her to her room, it was a big room, not as big as Klaus but he probably had always the biggest rooms in his mansions, she had a closet, a bathroom and a king size bed. We went to her closet where there was a couch that we could seat and see her clothes and her collection of shoes and heals and beautiful bags, some of them were exclusive, like 1 in 10. "Omg! Please tell me we use the same shoes and have the same number of clothes?"

"Actually we do." She said making me look at her with a confused look because we never had use each other's clothes. She quickly saw my reaction and explained me. "Before the Ball that my mother organized in Mystic Falls, Nik kind of wanted me to try a lot, and when I mean a lot, I mean 1362 different dresses. I tried 1361 different dresses until he found the freakin perfect dress, there was a point that it was too boring be with him shopping, or was 'too cheep for Caroline' or 'too whore' or 'too ugly' or 'doesn't match Caroline's eyes' or 'she won't like that one' or 'something perfect' or things like that, I thought it was a miracle when he said it was perfect." She said.

"He made you try all those dresses for me?" I asked thinking that he was cute and blaming me how a bitch I sometimes was too him because I was too chicken to gave myself to him and to think he would just used me.

"Yes. I never saw him acting like that."

"Never? Not even with Tatia?" I asked a little jealous. Don't blame me, I was always the second choice or third after the Petrova line, and she was his first love...

"Maybe a little with Tatia but not like the way he treats you. With her was different, he wanted to be with her but I don't know if he wanted her to be his forever, but you is different, you made him feel love and he never feel in love since he became a vampire, before you appeared I was starting to think that he was just going back to be those guys who doesn't do relationships for the rest of his existence..." She said and I gave her a small smile. "But I didn't came here to talk about the Original doppel-slut. I wanted to ask you what the hell was what I saw in the leaving room."

"Nothing." I said and walked over to the clothes to see them better.

"That wasn't nothing. You took my brother's meal and made her go far away and never come back."

"If she knew what were boundaries, I would never would make her go far away. I don't like when those sluts start to look at my boyfriend like she does. She was making eye-flirting with him. I am a very possessive women when it comes to people I love. Specially when it's Nik." I told her.

"You really love him... You guys are so perfect to each other. And both super jealous." She said and I gave her look so she would shut up.

"If you need any of my clothes just ask." I told her breaking the silence, we then got back to talk again and most of all was about my relationship with Klaus and if I wanted my future with him, I think she was trying to see if I was really 100% sure that I wanted to be with her brother and I got it, I could see that she was very protective of her brother and she cared about her brother more than anyone, she and Klaus had an amazing relationship because even after all those years together and all the fights they still were together, 1000 years together and protecting each other... Klaus told me a tone of stories of his siblings but with Rebekah was different, he saw her as his little sister, but in a good way.

"Well, I loved this girl talk but I need to talk with Nik about when it would be the Ball and how are we going to organize." I told her, she just nodded with a smile and I went to his office, because I had seen Elijah in the living room. I knocked on the door and Klaus appeared opening the door.

"What a nice surprise, love?" He said smirking and I blushed, I didn't know why, I mean we are together, him being sweet to be should stop of making me blush but apparently...

"Well, this visit to the office wasn't just to make a nice surprise..." I start and he gave me a confused look "I wanted to know when it's going to be the Ball and when are we going to start preparing stuff.

"Saturday Night. We start whenever you want."

"We just have 2 days. It's in such short notice. Do you think people will really appear?"

"I am the Original Hybrid, people always want to know what I have to say."

"Somebody has a big ego." I said.

"Well, I did make the most beautiful women in the world fall for me and she is really smart which make me have an even bigger ego." He said making me blush and I kissed him.

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