Chapter 87

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Davina's answer to Camille -> Because Klaroline is perfection and Klamille is just a stupid imitation of them. (Sorry for the ones who also like Klamille, I like Cami but not with Klaus)

Caroline's POV

Everything was ready and perfect, right now people were starting to appeared, I was now with Niklaus talking with Jakson, a guy that was a werewolf and was the alpha of the pack of wolves that lived in the Bayou.

"Hello!" Someone said making me turn around.

"Hello!" I said with a fake smile and Nik just nodded.

"How are you?" She asked more to my Nik then to me. How I hate her...

"He's great and really happy." I answered the question for him with a fake smile and added "Because he is committed with the women he truly loves."

"Of course. And I'm so happy for you two being together." She said and everyone could see she was lying.

"We're also very happy to be together." I said with a fake smile and then went to the kitchen and drink a blood bag before I would drain that stupid Camille out. I just don't do it because I know that she's Klaus's friend.

"Caroline, can we talk in somewhere private?" He asked and I nodded, then he took me to his office.

"Love, what the bloody hell was that? You're not like that... Why did you talk like that with Camille?"

"Seriously?! Are you seriously defending her?" I asked him and when he was about to answer I added "Don't need answer. I can see that clearly you prefer taking the side of your friend Camille then mine, your girlfriend. I can't believe this..."

"I am not taking sides." He said and I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"You are taking sides. And the worst part is that you taking her's." I told him.

"Caroline, I just think that you were a little too rude to Camille. She said she was happy for us and you..."

"She was lying." I said cutting him off "Everyone could see and everyone can see the way she looks at you."

"She doesn't look at me in any way. Why are you saying that?"

"Yes, she does. She looks at you like if you were the only man that is important in her life even if she knows it's wrong... I know that because I used to look at you like that when I was with Tyler." I told him while looking at the ground.

"Does that means that you don't see me like that anymore? You don't think I'm the most important man in your life?" He asked and I could feel how he was hurt because of the bond.

"No. I just look at you differently because now I don't regret of feeling like this when I'm around you... Before I was committed to Tyler and told myself it was wrong us being together, but then I realized that this... Is it feels so good and right, that makes it impossible something like we have, the love that we have for each other be so wrong like people told me." I said and he kissed me.

"I love you Caroline Mikaelson. You don't have to be jealous of Cami." He said with a smirk and I gave him a serious face.

"I was not jealous. I am not a jealous girl, I am just territorial and nobody gives flirts smiled to my man but me." I said serious and he smirked.

"Don't worry. After the party I will show you how your I am..." He whispered to my ear making me smirk and blush a little then we went back to the party and I saw Bon, Stef, Ty, Matt, Enzo, Alaric, Jo and Damon coming in.

"I'm going to talk to them. Are you coming?" I asked Nik.

"No... You guys deserve to talk alone. Probably you have too much to keep up." He said and I give him a quick kiss and walked over to my friends.

"Hey guys! Jo?" I said and they explained me how Jo come back from the dead. "Welcome back to the living!"

"Thanks." She said with a smile.

"If you are here against your will, blink twice." Tyler said making me rolled my eyes and then I looked at him without blinking.

"Detective Dumb Ass, most likely when they were in the prison, the Immortal Hybrid decided to have some fun with Vampire Barbie over here..." Damon said to Tyler pointing to me.

"He's not you Damon." I said irritated with Damon's behavior.

"What does that mean, gorgeous?" Enzo asked.

"So it's true? You and Klaus?" Stefan asked me and I just nodded with a small smile but I couldn't help but feel bad for him. "How? I mean I get it that you guys spend some time together in the prison but your not seriously thinking in having something real with Klaus, are you?" He asked making me realized that Bonnie didn't told them about me being pregnant.

"Stefan, I'm sorry but I love Nik and I want to be with him forever."

"Okay, now it's me that needs to ask you. Are you sure you haven't been compelled?" Tyler asked.

"God, can't you guys support me? I'm happy! Why can't you guys just be happy for me? And just for your information, Nik wouldn't compelled me to love me or something else. He never ever compelled me." I said and then looked at Damon and added "Unlike certain people."

"That was a long time ago." He said making me roll my eyes.

"You know what? I invite you guys because I thought you would be happy for me and would support me for once but apparently I was wrong. If you want to continue have this behavior and be the entire time talk about Nik then you can go." I said and then they apologize for the behavior they had, with the exception of Bonnie who just hug me.

"I'm really happy for you!" She whispered to my ear and when we broke the hug I gave her a smile.

I called Nik and he speed to us and wrapped his at around my waist, pulling me to be closer to him and I blushed a little bit.

"Well, I wanted to introduce you to Enzo and Jo, Alaric's fiancé."

"Wasn't she..?" He asked me.

"She come back from the Other Side." I told him and he nodded and gave her a smile then look at Enzo.

"I'm Klaus." Nik said with a serious face.

"I'm Lorenzo but my friends call me Enzo. So you are the Original wolf?" Enzo asked and I gave him a look while holding Nik's hand, it was the only way that I found to try to calm him down.

"It's really... Something to met you Lorenzo. And I'm the Hybrid, the Original Hybrid." He said and I fight myself to not rolled my eyes with his introduction of himself.

"Well... I guess there's no one else to present." I said trying to change subject.

"If I find that Caroline is here against her will, I will torture you and kill you in a very painful way. Are we understood mate?" Enzo asked.

"I'm not here against my will." I told them.

"But if he hurts you in any way you tell me and I kick his arse. Okay gorgeous?" He asked and I nodded then told them to enjoy the party.

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