Chapter 81

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Klaus's POV

It's been 7 months since we found that Davina convinced some witches and their ancestors to make the spell and Caroline made Nandi put us back to normal, Caroline suffered a lot with her ghosts from the past and re-living all the horrible things she passed by, there was a time that she wouldn't sleep so she wouldn't have nightmares about her past. She still didn't told me all about her past but I understood her because there were stuff from my past that I didn't tell her, specially things that made me feel weak. I hated that feeling and I didn't like to show it to Caroline because I was supposed to be the most feared creature walking among the Earth and the big bad hybrid, instead of a guy who is just afraid of be alone.

I was in my library drawing Caroline and thinking about all the times that I was feeling bad about myself or when I turned without I wanting to, making everyone leave the room with the exception of Caroline, she was always there and she proved me every day that she truly cared about me and that she loved me. There was this one time that I couldn't control myself and something inside me wanted to kill every vampire, Caroline was the first to realize it and made me go to the woods with her, she made me calm down and even when I was about to kill her she knew that I wouldn't be capable of such thing. I still don't know what did I do to deserve such a wonderful women in my life, but what I do know is that I will do anything to make her happy with me.

I was admiring the drawing that I just finished, of my angel named Caroline... She's so perfect! But something about her was weird in this weak, it almost seemed like she was avoiding me but I didn't focus on that because we are ruling a town and it's hard, besides the last time I jump to conclusions, Caroline and I fight and almost break up, I still can't believe I was about to lose her when I miss-hearing a conversation on the phone that she had with Stefan... Then a knocked on the door interrupted my thoughts, I walked to the door and opened it, it was my beautiful Caroline.

"What a nice surprise, love..." I said smirking and kissed her but she quickly broke the kiss making my smirk faded away because she usually just do that when is almost without breath, then she walked to my office and went to the place where she could be more far away from me as possible and she start to pacing around the office while playing with her daylight ring.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her trying not to show her how I was nervous because I could feel how nervous she was in that moment.

"Yeah. Everything's fine. Superb. Great!" She said avoiding eye contact and then she shocked her head "no... I mean, I think it's good but I don't know how you're going to react to what I am going to say and... I am preparing this conversation for a weak but I don't know how exactly should I start and how should I say it and..."

"Caroline, your rambling and I'm starting to get nervous. Just tell me." I said cutting her off because I couldn't handle more time waiting. I just hope she won't break up with me.

"I was just wondering if you see a baby in your life..." She said making me be confused.

"What? A baby? Why are you asking me that?"

"You know what? Forget about this conversation. It was silly. I better go." She said and I saw how nervous she was, I grabbed her wrist making her turn to see me.

"Caroline, what's going on?" I asked and when she was going to answer I start to hear her heart.

"Nothing." She said and I heard 2 hearts, one that was beating like crazy and another that was beating a little fast but not too much.

"Are you...?" I asked pointing to her belly and she was fighting herself to not cry.

"Yes..." She said with a smile and a tear drop from her eye, at first I was shocked but quickly I found myself smiling.

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