Chapter 14

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Klaus's POV

I saw hurt and sadness in Caroline's eyes before she left and all I could think about was that I needed to get out of here and made Damon pay for what had done to Caroline, but now I needed to talk to her.

"Caroline..." I said knocking on the door of her old room.

"Leave me alone" she said with a sad voice and I noticed she was crying.

"Caroline let me in. I just want to talk."

"So talk. We don't need to be in the same room to hear each other. We are vampires." She said.

"Okay. Is its that way you want to talk." I said and take a deep breath "I just wanted to tell you that I am here for you and..."

"No. I am not going to make that mistake again."

"Mistake? You can trust me, you know that. I just think that we should make the truces." I tried.

"How should I know that you won't say again that I am using you?" She asked.

"I am sorry for that. I won't say that again." I said but she didn't answer me "I just want us to be okay with each other like it was before this morning. I just want the things got back like they used too. Me making the breakfast and you the dinner, we talking with each other about our lives and stuff like that. I miss talking to you... I know it's stupid because we don't talk since this morning, but still. I miss you. I miss how you make me smile and laugh, I miss when you make me talk about my family, I miss having you around me to make me feel better." I said and then she slowly opened the door.

"I can't be mad at you for a long time, you jerk." She said.

"So... That means that we are good and I can use again nicknames."

"Yes" she said and I smirked at her and hugged her. "But first you need to promise me something."

"Of course"

"You need to promise that you won't hurt Damon." She said serious.

"What? Do you expect me to not doing anything after everything he had done?"

"I already forgave him." She said and then hold my hands "Please... He was blind with revenge. He is like you, try to show people he is the bad guy when he is a nice guy when he wants."

"Fine. I promise... But it's just because of you." I said and then added "do you think I'm nice?"

"When you want to be. You can make me smile when I am sad, that's what a nice guy does."

"So there's more guys that make you smile when you are sad..." I said jealous, I know that I should be happy for people made her smile when she's sad but I can't help it. I want to be the only one that makes her smile.

"They try, but until now you were the only one who succeeded." She said with a smile and I smirked.

After that we spend the rest of the day eating and talking we talked like we hadn't talk in forever, she made me laugh and I did the same to her, then she made me dance with her witch was really fun.

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