Chapter 92

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Caroline's POV

"Now... We have some time until I will go, so what do you think about getting the best of it?" I asked with a smirk, his smirk grew and he kissed me with passion, lust and hunger.

He pushed me to the wall without leaving his lips from mine, then he start to let wet kisses from my lips to my neck and didn't took long until he reach to my sweet spot.

"Nik..." I moaned and I felt his smirk his my neck, he kissed my shoulder then got back to my neck making me moan once again and after that our lips meet once again and I didn't want them separated ever again, I broke the kiss to catch my breath and blushed a little with our kiss making Nik smirk even more, I smiled to him and then I wrapped my legs on his waist and I put my hands in his neck and pulled him for another passionate kiss that become deeper by the moment, his hand was grabbing my thigh and the other was in my neck.

He pulled me to the couch he had in the office and I took his t-shirt making me look at his perfect 6 pack well built and he smirked by seeing the effect he had on me, then I pulled him to a kiss and felt his smirk, he broke the kiss and took my dress, then looked at my body amazed making me blush and giggle a little of his reaction, then he kissed me and travel his lips to my neck, then to my breasts and ended in my belly, making me moan his name and he smirked with that.

"I need you... Now" I said making him smirk even more, he kissed my lips and made love to me.


Now it was time to me get out of the Quarter and go to Mystic Falls, we were all in the living room and I was trying to smile seeming to be okay but it was hard to get out of there, even if it was just for a few days, they were the only family I had right now...

"I'm going to miss you so much sis!" Rebekah said breaking the silence and pulled me for a hug.

"I'm going to miss you too..." I said and when I broke the hug I gave her a small smile. "Make sure no woman looks at Nik while I'm gone."

"If I see one woman look at Nik with intentions inappropriate, I make sure she will regret it for the rest of her existence." Rebekah said serious and I chuckled then hugged her once again.

"'Lijah, I'm going to miss you." I said and hugged him.

"You owe me big time. While you're in Mystic Falls I'll be hearing how much Niklaus misses you and he will be questing me all the time what you will be doing..." Elijah said ignoring Nik's death glare, I smiled to him and then hugged Nik.

"I love you so much..." I said in a low voice.

"I love you too." He said and I smiled but never broke the hug.

"I promise I will sexting so you won't miss me too much." I whispered to him and then broke the hug and saw him with a smirk but I could see he was even more sad then I was.

I kissed him and when I broke the kiss, I added "I will be back sooner then you think and if while I'm gone you even see for a second a woman with certain intentions, you will regret it. Am I clear?"

"You don't to worry love. I love you and you are the only woman I have my eyes on." He said making me blush, then I kissed him.

"I love you too." I said when I broke the kiss and then reunited all my strength to get out of the Quarter without looking back.

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