Chapter 17

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Caroline's POV

"Yeah... For some reason I couldn't take it off." I said looking at the necklace and then realized that Klaus was gazing me, so I look up to see him and saw his eyes sparkling, making me realizing that all I wanted was kissing me. "Well, I am going to make some popcorns."

I went to the kitchen and start to make some popcorns in the microwave, then I start to feel Klaus's presence, he got closer to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I realized that I win the game last night so today you need to do everything I want." He said and I knew he was smirking right now.

"And what would that be?"

"Nothing special. I just want one day that I can flirt with you and kiss you without you giving me a we are friends speech." He said and start to kiss my cheek then travel his lips to my neck.

"Klaus" I moaned when he found my sweet spot, then he kissed me again until his lips reach to my ear and whispered "call me Nik."

I smiled and he got back to his sweet torture, he kissed my shoulder and then got back to my neck until reached my sweet spot making me moaned "Nik."

He slowly turned me around and I saw his eyes full of lust, he was smirking and leaned to kiss me but before our lips meet I heard the bip of the microwave "popcorn are ready."

Klaus's POV

"Popcorn ready." She said when I was about to kiss her and then turn around to take the popcorns from the microwaves and put on a bowl.

Then we went to the living room and start to see the movie, I put my arm around her and she cuddle to me, I just stroke her hair the entire movie. We were now seeing the part where the et is dying and I felt her tears in my t-shirt.

"This is so sad..." She said crying and I didn't know what to do so I just hold her tightly.

"You know what is sadder than this? Bambi."

"A animate movie?" I asked and she gave me a look making me stop smiling.

"You didn't cry when Bambi's mother die?"

"They just stop drawing a deer." I said trying not to laugh of her question.

"Don't laugh. I cried for a week about that movie." She said.

"Sorry. I am just used to not feel"

"That can't be truth." She said.

"Believe me, I didn't had feeling for a very long time before I meet you. Before I didn't had a heart."

"That's not true. You always had them you just didn't explore them. You had a heart like that because you had suffer and I know you still suffer. It was just a shield that you create to protect yourself. And you always had a heart, you just didn't opened it." She said and I saw only honesty in her eyes.

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