Chapter 51

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Caroline's POV

I don't know what to do. I can't believe that I had more than 3 months to tell him what happened to Elena but I kept it a secret. Yes, I promised that I wouldn't tell him about Elena, but I'm now dating him he should know everything, we shouldn't have secrets with each other... What am I going to do if he breaks up with me? I don't think I will survive to that. He is my anchor, I don't know how I'm going to pass through my day without him and not falling apart. He is not just some guy that I am dating, he's the love of my life.

A few hours after he went to the office he appeared and noticed I was still in the living room.

"Nik..." I tried but he cut me off.

"I'm going out. Don't know when I'm going to be back." He said and speed away.

Klaus's POV

I was feeling hurt, confused, angry and most of all sad because Caroline didn't trust me to tell me what happened to Elena. She can tell all the times she want that she wanted to tell him but she made a promise to their friends, but the truth is that before we came to New Orleans she decided to our relationship would work it, than we should make some rules and one of her rules was being completely honest with each other, but apparently I was the only one who didn't break that rule.

Why didn't she told me? Does she think that I would use Elena's blood to make more hybrids? Does she think that I am still that monster who only wants is to make more hybrids? I am not that guy anymore. Yes, I'm still not the perfect men or the nicest guy on the Earth but I stop creating hybrids because Caroline showed me about protecting others and have others love without having them sired to us and is something magnificent.

I need to talk with someone right now, and the only person I could talk about my feelings would be Camille because I'm still upset with Caroline, I got out of the office and saw Caroline nervous playing with her ring and walk back and forward like if she was thinking deeply about something, I saw fear in her eyes but when she looked up to see me I didn't make eye contact and start walking again.

"Nik..." She said but I couldn't hear her right now, I was still mad at her for not telling me. I thought she trusted me.

"I'm going out. Don't know when I'm going to be back." I said and speed to Cami's house, I knocked on the door and saw Camilled with a surprised face but quickly she got back to normal.

"Klaus. What can I do for you? God, it seems like we didn't saw each other in ages."

"It's very funny a human's perspective of time..." I said with a small smile.

"So... May I know what made you come to my home?" She asked with a smile that remembered me of Caroline.

"I know that we stop but, can I talk to you like a session?" I asked and she nodded with her usual smile.

"Come in." She said and we seat on the couch.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Trust. Betrayal. Caroline. Love. Weakness. Strength."

"Wow... Is something wrong between you and Caroline?"

"It can tell?" I asked and she shocked her head.

"I could see because of the topics you told me you wanted to talk about. So tell me, what happened?"

"Caroline promised her friends that she wouldn't tell me something huge because they don't trust me, so she didn't. I knew for awhile that she was hiding me something but I didn't have a clue what could it be, I finally confront her with that and she told me everything. The secret is about a doppelgänger that became human and now I can use her to make more hybrids, her friends think that I would drain her and make more hybrids with her blood but I am not that guy anymore. I wouldn't do that, specially because I love her and I wouldn't do anything that would hurt her. How come when I have her there's always something that gave us trouble in our relationship?" I said then asked "any good advice?"

"Sorry. The only thing that I can say about that is that a relationship never works when someone's hiding something and is not telling you everything. For example, you know you can trust me because I don't keep things from you." She said and rest her hand on top of mine and I looked then look at her making her realized that I didn't want anything with her but friendship. "I think you two should talk and see what is best for both of you. You ow that not just to you but to her. If she's not ready to be yours then all your problems will just accumulate."

"You're right. I'm going to talk with Caroline." I said and then get out of her house but I realized that I wasn't still ready to forgive her for not trust me, so I decided to go talk to her.

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