Chapter 58

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Caroline's POV

I went to my bedroom, put my boxing gloves and start punching the boxing bag. It felt so good putting my anger and frustration in the bag.

After a few minutes I heard someone knocking on the door, I open it and saw Klaus, he was with his angry face so I just rolled my eyes and closed the door.

"No way that you're going to closed the door in my face again." He said opening the door and coming to my room then turned around to see me and added "What the bloody hell were you thinking by talking to me like that in front of my family and people that are serving me? I am Niklaus Mikaelson, and you think that you can just let people think that anybody that appears in my life can talk to me like like you did? I was known by being the monster and killer, people were afraid of me and now you appeared talk to me like you did and make people talking and thinking that everybody can talk to me like if I was there equal."

Klaus was now close to me but I didn't thought to much about that because now I was mad about his reaction.

"You're right, my fault. I didn't knew that you thought that you were above me, and we are not equals because you are the big bad hybrid, right? You are the alpha male, you're the person who people fear of. But your problem now isn't me, is you. Because you finally treat someone that wasn't from your family like your equal and now you think people will think your weak. That's the truth. You're afraid of let people in and you think that is being strong but that is just being weak. You're weak. You're a chicken, you're just freakin chicken that is afraid of people... And I'm sorry for not seeing that before because if I knew that, I wouldn't get together with you and became just more messed up then I already was."

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?" He said, pushed me to the wall and added "I'm the strongest creature that walks among the Earth, who tells you that if you continue to this game I won't kill you for messing with my head and make me this mad?"

"Then do it. Kill me. I don't have nothing to lose. I don't have any love or hapi news right now. I lost everyone I cared about and the few people I cared about that were still alive, I stop hanging out with them because they were against you and us being together. You made my life turned upside down, and I can't be with my friends because they hate you and for how much I hate it, I love you and I can't handle the fact of knowing that my friends hate you. The people who should support me more in the entire world hate the person I love, make me feel it's wrong that I have this feelings for you. You know how crapy that is? But hey, they were right, we didn't even handle a month being together in the real world."

"So what makes you stay here? Your friends are in fact in Mystic Falls, which is a little far from here, I might say." He said with his poker face.

"Because I can't..." I yelled than added in a low voice "I just can't leave you"

"Good." He said with a smirk then added "I don't know how it would be, waking up and in the morning not to see your eyes, your hair..." He said and put the hair that I had in front of my face and put it behind my ear, then just stay with his head resting in my cheek. "It would be unbearable not to stay this close to you again, not to touch you again..." He whispered to my ear.

"Klaus..." I said in almost a whisper.

He got back to look at me in the eyes and was now even closer to me, we had almost no space between us, I could feel his breathing, then he whispered to my lips "You know that I prefer when you call me Nik."

He said and I found myself looking at his lips, he smirked making me snapped out and then he whispered to my ear "Yes sirum yem k'yez." Then he walked away.

AN: Yes sirum yem k'yez is how it sounds i love you in Aramaic.

Thanks everyone for reading/voting/commenting.

daydreamer_aish I will think about it, it might be interesting but I'm not sure so no promises. And don't worry Melissamelgar99 I also intend to make Klaus jealous, he kind of deserves.

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