Chapter 5

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Caroline's POV

It was the funniest dinner that I had in a long time. I really missed Klaus, but I didn't want to show it because after everything I still think that he believes that love is a weakness and I can't get hurt.

"Well, I am having a great time but I am getting tired. Goodnight" I said and he kissed me on the cheek.

"Sweet dreams Caroline" he said, I gave him a smile and couldn't help but blush a little bit, which he noticed making him smirk.

I went to a room and stay in a top and panties, I lay down on the bed and then went to sleep. I had some dream that I couldn't remember and wake up almost without breath, I decided to try to go back to sleep, but I start to hear a noise. It's nothing, I said to myself and for how much I tried I couldn't calm down so I went to Stefan's room, which was where Klaus was sleeping, I knew that because I knew his scent.

I reunite my courage and knocked on the door, Klaus opened up and I noticed that he was just in boxers. He noticed me staring and smirked.

"Enjoying the view?" he asked smirking and I gave him a look. By the way, I love your outfit."

I look at what I was wearing and realized I was only in panties and a top, I just looked at him and said "I didn't have much to wear."

"Is everything okay?" He asked breaking the silence

"I don't know. I think I heard something." I said and cursed myself for seeming a scary cat.

"It's probably just the wind." Klaus said calming me down.

"It was what I was telling myself but I can't feel asleep now and... You know what? Is okay. I just go to..."

"Love, do you want to stay here for awhile?" He asked with a smile.

"I don't want to bother you. I shouldn't even come here. I probably woke you up."

"You didn't wake me and you never bother me. So... Do you want to come in?" He asked and I nodded.

We both lay down on the bed, and he put his arm around me making me be closer to him, I smiled and used his chest as my personal pillow and my legs were wrapped around his leg and then I noticed his arms being wrapped around me tightly. I just want to be like this forever, it just get so good and so right.


I woke up and feel something warm, then I remembered that I was with Klaus in Stefan's bed and we cuddled and slept together, then I felt him stroking my hair and whispered to my ear "Good morning love"

"Good morning" I said smiling and instead of him letting me go, he hold me tightly.

Klaus's POV

I just hold her tightly and wished that we could be like that forever, I love how well we fit together, we were like 2 pieces of the same puzzle.

"Klaus, I kind of need to get out of here to change clothes and make some breakfast." She said softly.

"No way. This time, I am the one who is going to cook." I said and she smiled to me.

"Do you even know how to cook?" She asked me and giggled.

"You would be surprised..." I told her and she just gave me a smile.

"Klaus, can I ask you a favor?" She asked and I just nodded "Can you borrow me one of your t-shirts? It's just I don't bring anything with me instead of what I wear yesterday and now."

"You can use my clothes." I said and she gave me a thank you smile, then I added with a smirk "I actually think that I am going to love seeing you with my clothes."

She just went to the bathroom and I decided to go to the kitchen and start to make breakfast. I know how to cook but I never make food to me because I had always someone to do that for me or I just drink the blood.

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