Chapter 11

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Caroline's POV

I was now making the dinner and Klaus was putting the table set for us to eat, and for how much I was enjoying Klaus's company, I was starting to miss my friends.

"Love, what's wrong?" Klaus asked concerned making me look at him and I just gave him a weak smile.

"It's nothing." I said and he gave me a look "Fine. The truth is that I am missing my friends, and with all those videos that we watched just made me realize how I miss them so much... They are the only family I have."

"And your mother?" He asked and I looked down, even after all this time, it still hurt. My mother was my anchor, my guide, the one who was always there.

"My mother... She passed away this year." I said trying to hide the sadness, but Klaus knows me too well, so he hold my hand in a way to comfort me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." He said and I just gave him a weak smile.

"It's fine. It's not like she would be here forever..." I said with a weak smile but he noticed that it wasn't fine.

"You don't need to lie to me." He said and I just nodded. "Now can you give me a smile?"

"Klaus, I don't think I can smile right now, at least not a real smile." I told him and he nodded, then went over to the CDs and start to playing a song from Neil Diamond, called 'Sweet Caroline' then Klaus start to singing the song too making me laugh at him, then he went to the table and continue...

Sweet Caroline,
Good times never seemed so good
I've been inclined
To believe they would never end
Oh no no

Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good
Sweet Caroline
I've believed they never could be
Sweet Caroline
Good times never seemed so good

Now I couldn't stop laughing and Klaus stop and had now a proud smile in his face with his stupid adorable dimples showing up.

"Just you to make me laugh" I said smiling then said "Now help me serving the food." He smirked and help me, then we seat and start to eat.


I was now changing to my pjs in the bathroom and Klaus was in the bedroom prepare to go to bed, then I went to the bedroom and lay down next to him.

"Goodnight." I said with a small smile breaking the silence, then I turned, making him facing my back, he put his arm around me, and pull me closer to him.

"Goodnight love" he whispered to my ear and then I felt his head resting again in a pillow, but instead of being in his pillow, he rested in mine making him even be closer to me then he already was.

Klaus began to caress my belly, then his hand moved slowly to my waist and again to my belly, he do this for awhile, it was like torture because I needed to stop myself of thinking about him in that way, his touch made me feel sparkles, it was like the first time I feel in love with a guy and the feeling of my first love... but I couldn't be with him, not because it was wrong or because I was afraid of what my friends would think but... Because if I let myself be with him, I might not handle when he dumped me. It's a constant, when I finally gave in to my feelings, I always get hurt, it's never the other person, they always dump me, or because I am boring or because I am too insecure or because I am just a stupid girl who was good to have a good time but it was nothing more then a plaything... And let's face it, how can the most powerful creature in the world will be capable of love a baby vampire who is a insecure neurotic jealous control freak? So, I didn't move, after a few minutes he just stayed with his hand on my belly and I tried to fell asleep.

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