Chapter 30

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Caroline's POV

"It's nice. Does it have sound proving?" I asked turning around to see him.

"Yes. Every room that I have it has a privacy spell." He told me and I gave him a look. Just thinking of the women he brought in here... It made me feel mad and jealous and angry and even more jealous. But I just was with a poker face and didn't say anything, so he continue "I have this thing that when I am angry I need to break something and sometimes when the drawings are not like I want them to be, I need to scream and stuff like that."

I couldn't help but smile because he was opening to me. Yes, he wasn't telling me a story of his childhood or why did he turned so dark but, it was something. Baby steps, I thought.

I walked over to the door and close it, then I turn to see him, and walked over to him, getting even closer than I had been a few seconds ago, and looked at him with my best sexy smile.

I smirked and whispered to his ear "What do you think about we making an experiment to see if the spell really works?"

Klaus's POV

"What do you think about we making an experiment to see if the spell really works?" She whispered to my ear with her sexy voice.

I smirked just with the thought, she was getting back to her original position but instead, she kissed me with her soft lips, it was a small smile and when she was breaking the kiss, I cupped my hands in her cheeks and made her kissing me again, I just want to feel her lips once more. I felt her smile in my lips which made me smirk.

I felt Caroline pushing me to the wall without leaving my lips, I broke the kiss and took her dress, then I stay there admiring her body and her beauty, every time I look at her and her body, I still can't get enough. It always seemed like if it was the first time I was seeing her, she is flawless, perfect. She noticed I was staring, so she started to giggled a little bit and blushed, she always did that and I thought it was cute. I kissed her with lust, anger, passion and love, then I moved her and now she was with her back facing the wall, I left her lips and start to let wet kisses from her lips to her neck and it didn't take long until I found her sweet spot.

"Nik." She moaned and I smirked, I continue kissing her, then I kissed her breasts and got back to her neck making her moaning.

She kissed my lips once more and when she broke the kiss, she took my T-shirt and kissed. I kissed her and pushed her to the bed, gently, I was now on top of her and I never left her beautiful soft lips, then I got back to her neck and she moaned. But like always, she is not the kind of women that it's okay with the guy dominating, she likes to fight for dominance which makes her even more unique... She rolled us over making her be on top and she kissed me then traveled with her lips to my neck, then to my chest and then to my abs making me moaned, then she took my pants, I rolled her over so I could be again on top, then I kissed her and made love to her until we fell asleep.

I woke up and saw in nowhere my sweet Caroline. I looked around and saw a note on my desk.

'I woke up and saw you sleeping so peacefully that I couldn't wake you. With love, Caroline Mikaelson.'

I smiled at the note and decided to took a shower, after my shower I put some jeans and a t-shirt, then I went to the kitchen where I heard everyone talking.

"Why is everyone here?" I asked.

"Care is making some pancakes to all of us." Rebekah said excited and Caroline just gave me a smile then got back to the pancakes.

"We have people to do cooking when we want love. You didn't need to do it."

"I don't mind to do myself. A queen can do everything. It's not just ordering people. I have a motto: if you want to see something right you have to do yourself." She said smiling and I smirking thinking to myself that she was really meant to be a queen "Besides my pancakes are awesome."

"True. Did I ever told you that I love you?" I asked getting closer to her.

"Not today." She said smiling.

"I love you." I whispered to her hair and start kissing her hair.

"I love you too. And now stop it. You are distracting me." She told me.

"Yeah and we are in a kitchen. Boundaries." Rebekah said.

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