Chapter 96

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Caroline's POV

After talk to everyone, I went to my bedroom and Nik followed me and closed the door.

"Thank you so much for what you done to my family. Thanks to you everyone's happy..." He said with a smile and I smiled too because I liked to see him happy.

"But I intend to make you even more happy..." I said with a sexy smirk and he smirked back at me, then he kissed me and I kissed him right back with passion, love, hunger and lust, I missed him so much.

"I miss you so much..." He said with his forehead resting in mine and while I was trying to catch my breath.

"I miss you too." I said with a smile and he kissed me again and then made love to me.


I woke up and Nik wasn't here, I decided to go to the living room but I noticed that in the nightstand there was an envelope with my name and it was Klaus who write it, I opened the envelope and start to read it.

'Dear Caroline,

I would like to show you how much I love you and want to be with you, so I decided to make just for you a tresure hunt and I'll give you clues so you could go to the next clue until you find me. I hope you enjoy.

PS: you are not allowed to use your phone to anywhere and the first clue will appear to you but until then you can't get out of the bedroom

Love, Niklaus Mikaelson.'

What the hell is he planning? I asked myself and a few minutes after that someone knocked on the door, it was Jessica saying for me to drink her blood because of the babies and after I did it, she gave me an envelope with a big smile on her face.

"The game starts now. You need to go to a place where has the most stories."

Has the most stories? How should I know, he's the one who lived for... Wait, it's a riddle! The place which has more stories needs to be a place with a lot of books...

"Library" I said to myself with a smile and vamp speed to the library and found in a desk another envelope.

"You a I both like it and it's where your next clue will be. If you need some hint remember the first ball we were in."

The first ball was the Mikaelson ball, but what we both like was the paintings. But the paintings never sleep.... And the other thing was the horse but there are no horses in here, the closest thing we have to an horse is the painting in the living room.

I decided to go to the paint and try to see if there was any clue, I found a paper behind the painting and had written.

"The art is everyone but all my art is somewhere outside this house, if you found it, then you'll find me."

I knew he wasn't in the Quarter and for him being with his paintings, he needed to be in some place he knows is really safe... The Mikaelson Mansion.

I went to the mansion and when I open the door I saw in the walls directions to the place I should be and that directed me to the living room where there was just painting of me everywhere and Nik in a suit making him being even hotter than usual.

"Why did you do all this?" I asked confused.

"Because I wanted you to remember this day." He said with a smile and I looked at him with a confused look.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. If I didn't knew any better I would think that he was going to propose but I'm sure that he wouldn't because for a person who lived as long as him he wouldn't want to be that commit in a relationship with a baby vampire.

"Caroline Forbes... Do you made me the honor of being the happiest man and say..." He said while getting in one knee and open a little box with a beautiful blue ring.

"Yes!" I said cutting him off. "Yes! Yes, I'll marry you." I said and he kissed me passionately and put the ring on my finger and I couldn't help but have the biggest smile ever because I felt the happiest woman alive.

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