Chapter 13

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Caroline's POV

I just stay there crying in the middle of the woods, in the place where I made love to him which apparently it wasn't that big of deal, for him thinking that it was just revenge sex. I still can't believe he thinks that low of me...


Klaus's POV

After my discussion with Caroline I decided to take a wolf walk, that always made me feel better, I walked and then I saw myself going to the place where I asked Caroline for her confession, and in the tree where I made love to her I saw Caroline crying and seating in the ground. I hide myself so she couldn't see me, and suddenly I saw her getting up and cleaning her tears.

"No. I am Caroline Forbes. I will not cry for a guy, I will not be the same girl I once was when I was human. And who does he think he is? Just because he is the Original hybrid he thinks he has the right to talk to me like that? You know what? It's better this way Caroline, at least you know what he really thinks about you before it was too late." She said to herself and I wondered to myself what did she meant by too late, then I hear her whispering to herself "I can't believe he thinks that low of me..."

I start to feel this guilt all over me, so I decided to go home and get out of there before she noticed me.

Caroline's POV

After awhile of me talking to myself (yeah, sometimes I do that when I don't have anyone to talk about my problems) I decided to go to the house and avoid him because if he thinks that I am using him, I won't even talk to him because that way he can't say I am using him.

I come in and saw Klaus drinking his bourbon, I just went to the kitchen and eat some cookies. I hear him coming to the kitchen so I went to the living room but before I could, he grabbed my wrist, I turned around to look at him, then I gave a look to my wrist and to him so he could let me go but he didn't care.

"Caroline..." He said and I just gave him a bored look. "I'm sorry for what happened this morning." He said but I wouldn't give in that easily because the truth is that when 2 people are fighting they say things that they don't want but they feel it deep down and I was hurt of the way he thought of me, and the only way so I would talk to him again was if he gave me a great reason. "Please say something" he asked and I just looked at him, then he put he cupped his hand on my cheek and and said with puppy dog eyes "please say something"

For how much I wanted to talk to him, I needed to be strong, so I grabbed the wrist of the hand that was in my face and took it then I left to the living room.

"Caroline, please... Scream, yell, talk, just say something... Please. Your silence is killing me." He said and I just went to the library so I couldn't look at his face, he seemed sad but I think it was only because he didn't had nobody to discuss now.

For some reason he followed me, but I avoid him and pick a book to read (or fake to read).

"Love..." He said and this time I looked at him.

"Don't ever call me that again." I said and walked away. Okay I did talk to him but it was harsh and angry so... From now on I will only talk the basics and that's it. Now he used his hybrid speed to be in front of me.

"Caroline, I am really sorry."

"Yeah, and I am sorry for the day in the woods because apparently for you it was just revenge sex."

"It wasn't revenge sex. I visited you..."

"No. You don't even need to say anything anymore. Now I know why you said that you would walk away and never came back. You talk about me using you but the truth is that you just wanted me to have sex with you to be more one of your challenges completes." I said angry and then turn my back on him and try to walk away but he used his hybrid speed again to be in front of me.

"I never thought of you in that way. Maybe at first you were a challenge but along the time you become so much more."

"Just save it Klaus." I said and look at the wall so I wouldn't look at him, but he cupped his hands on my cheeks and made me look at him.

"You are more important in my life that I like to admit." He said.

"That's impossible. You don't know me. You think that I am just some girl that uses guys to get what she wants, but I'm not like that."

"I don't think that" he said and I shocked my head.

"Yeah you do. You told me that this morning."

"I was upset. I didn't know what I was saying."

"Yes, you did. And it hurt knowing that you think that I am capable of using someone..." I said and walked away but he grabbed my wrist and saw all my flashbacks of when Damon compelled me, used me, abused me, drink from me and how he treated me like crap... "You had not the right to do that." I said, vamp speed to my old room and lock the door.

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