Chapter 66

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AN: I already start a conversation with a friend like this... (Not kidding)

Caroline's POV

A few moments after I explained Klaus why I wanted to try skydiving, Elijah and Rebekah appeared and they looked at us, more like observing us... It seemed like they were two scientists who just saw aliens in Mars.

"How are you feeling Care?" Rebekah asked after awhile.

"I'm felling okay. You and your brother Elijah are the ones who don't seem to be okay." I said.

"What? We are fine. It's just... Last night there was the bonding ritual and we never saw how is the day by day of two people who are bonding forever." Rebekah said.

"But I thought that you all knew people who had been bonded." I said.

"Yes, we did but we didn't spend much time with them, it was mostly when there was a Ball or something like that. We never saw the usual days, how they behave with each other and if they fight with each other, and how they get to a conclusion." Elijah said and I nodded in understanding.

"Let's go eat?" Klaus asked.

"You just read my mind." I said and Klaus smirked then we went to the dinning room and start eating and drinking from the people who worked for us in the house and were humans.

"You guys won't believe what Caroline was doing when I found her in the living room."

"Seriously?" I asked because I didn't want Elijah and Rebekah think that I was stupid.

"What? I think it was a really good idea." He said and I smiled to myself.

"What was it?" Rebekah asked curious.

"I was making a bucket list." I said and then explained them the reason of why I was doing it.

"Do you intend to do everything on that list, even with the bounding?" Rebekah asked me.

"Sure, because I don't believe that the bonding limited my life to the point of not be able to do what I want. I already have dreams that I wanted to realized and in a blink wouldn't be capable of so... I am not going to just seat and let people telling me that I am now in this way or that way. I hate when people label others."

"If I give you a label, it would be unique..." I said smirking and she looked at me confused of my commentary because that wasn't the point of her speech "I'm just saying that there's no women like your and will never be."

"Wow. We are in the middle of breakfast and you are already flirting with me?" I asked

"It's really hard to not compliment you when you look this beautiful in the morning."

"Continue..." She said and tried to hide her smile without any success. "I'm just saying that the bonding won't be an issue in doing things I always wanted to do and if I need to do with Klaus even better, because that would mean that I won't be alone in this big adventure that is life, specially when you're a vampire that is always caught up in trouble..."

"You know that I won't let anyone hurt you." Klaus said.

"And you know that I can defend myself." I said and Klaus smirk and seemed like if he was proud of me.

"Checkmate." He said smirking with a proud face and I just got back to eating my breakfast.

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