Chapter 39

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Klaus's POV

I was drawing my sweet Caroline and thinking what could be so bloody important so that Rebekah took Caroline away from me to talk.

I don't care if they are in her room, it's not fair, after years of trying to be in a relationship with Caroline, when I finally am with her officially, I need to share her with my baby sister. How is it fair? Since we got back, my siblings were always interrupting us, my brother with the problems of New Orleans or strategies that we needed to make so we could be keep an eye on the witches and werewolves, so won't happen again the war of werewolves against vampires and witches against vampires and werewolves. When wasn't my big brother, appeared Rebekah because wanted to go shopping or wanted to have a girl talk or wanted something else... I don't even care what she wanted, the only thing I knew is that at least in the prison no one was in the middle and Caroline was all mine and just mine.

"You need to stop drawing me... You will eventually get tired of doing the same drawings over and over again." My angel said behind me, I didn't know if she got here a long time or not but I didn't care.

"That would never happen." I said smirking and turn around to see her. "How anyone could be possibly get tired of your beauty."

"Stop it. You are making me blush."

"I love when you blush." I whisper to her ear and she blushed again making me smirk, then she kissed me.

"I need to talk to you." She said serious making me getting nervous because Caroline is not the being serious type. Then I remember me having a talk with my brother Kol about relationships, and he told me when they asked if we can talk that means they want to ask us to be official or talk about what we are if we are already sleeping with them but when they say that they need to talk that means we are going to get dump. Bloody Hell! She is breaking up with me...

"I just..." She was about to say but I couldn't focus on her words.

"Are you going to break up with me?" I asked almost yelling from the blue because that was all I was asking myself, if she was going to break up.

"What? No. Of course not." She said and I gasp from relief.

"So what was the important thing you had to talk to me about."

"It's about us... I don't want a break or to break up. I actually want the opposite. I want to be with you but, no offense, your siblings keep appearing when we are together so... I was wondering if one day a week we couldn't be away from everything...? Just you and me. Some place where no one can interrupt us with problems in New Orleans or having some girl code issues..." Caroline said.

"I love you so much right now." I said and kissed her, I felt her smile when we kissed, after awhile she broke the kiss.

"That is a yes?" She asked.

"It's a YES with all caps and 3 exclamation marks." I said and she chuckled at my answer.

"Thank you. I was afraid you would think I was being to needy." She said a little embarrassed.

"I love when you are being needy." I told her and she blushed, then we kissed passionately.

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