Chapter 24

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Caroline's POV

I went to the kitchen and start talking with Elijah, who was talking with Camille, a few minutes after I get to the kitchen, Klaus appeared and we all eat the breakfast.

"So... Today I am going try to find where is the stupid ascendent hiding." I said breaking the silence and everybody looked at me.

"You know where it is?" Klaus asked, not angry but curious.

"No. But we need to start somewhere, or else we will be here forever... And I don't intend to pass the rest of my existence in a prison." I said but the truth is the only reason I wanted to go back is so I wouldn't see Cami and Klaus hanging out together, it was like torture.

"I'm going with you." Klaus said making me look at him.

"You don't have too. You can stay here with Cami and Lijah."

Klaus's POV

"You don't have too. You can stay here with Cami and Lijah." She said and all I wanted to ask her was how closer she is to my dear brother to call him 'Lijah, but I just stay with my poker face.

"Well, Mikael doesn't know about them but knows about us so we need to go together or else Mikael could find out about your searching and torture you."

"I can take care of myself and he is not the only one in this prison who is capable of hurting me." She snapped at me, making me see in her eyes that I hurt her. Then she walked away and get you of the car.

I walked over to her, we were now in the garden, I grabbed her wrist making her turn to see me.

"What do you want Klaus?" She asked.

"I want to apologize about what happened. I never had any intention of hurting you."

"Okay. Apologies accepted. Now, if you excuse me I am going to try find that thing."

"Caroline... Believe me. I never wanted to hurt you."

"Just a question. Was I the back up?" She asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You heard me. Was I your Cami's back-up?" She asked and I saw her so vulnerable in that moment, with so much hurt in her eyes.

"No. Of course not. Why do you ask me such a thing?" I asked.

"No reason. It's just funny. We are together than appears a girl that you met in New Orleans which is blonde, like me and is beautiful and smart and laughs at something that you say and is someone you trust enough to talk to her about your feelings and your problems... With me was always so complicated for you talk to me about your past but I thought that was just who you are but apparently..." She said and then looked at the ground for a few seconds and then look at me "She's the one you like. I just wish that you could tell me that in the face instead of using me like a back-up. The worst part is that I believed in you and that I loved you so much that hurt..." A few tears run from her eyes and she added "For a moment I thought that you were my soulmate, but apparently I'm just another women who you had sex with..." She said, clean her tears and added "congratulations! You win. I was just a hard challenge but you make me fall for you..."

"Caroline..." I try but she cut me off.

"It's fine. I'll be okay. I'm always the back-up. Why would it change now? I'm used to not be the one... I was too naive to think the Original Hybrid would actually fall for me." She said and added "just let me find that thing alone. I can't do this... I can't hang out with you and pretend everything is fine when it isn't." She cleaned again her tears and said "Just try to understand. Every time I look at you it hurts because I can't be with you, because I can't handle get hurt like how I did and still am, again."

Then she walked away, I went to the house and told Elijah to go after her because it was too dangerous she be alone by herself.

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