Chapter 65

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Klaus's POV

I woke up and saw the most beautiful women in the world next to me, sleeping like an angel. I wanted to be like this for the rest of my existence, but I knew that what happened last night was just because of the ritual.

I still want her, but last night was different it was like we were magnets and I couldn't get apart of her, I want to kiss her, to feel her, to have her... But like I told her, I would get her back not with the bonding ritual effects.

I decided to go to my room to take a shower and when I was about to change clothes, someone knocked on the door.

"Caroline..." I said with a smirk when she looked at my 6 pack, but didn't took too long to look back to me.

"Klaus. I would like to apologize about last night. I know that we broke up but..."

"It's fine. It was the bonding ritual effects." I said and she nodded. "But I'm sorry to for kissing you and..."

"Why? Do you regret it?" She asked but then added "I mean it's okay."

"I don't regret it, but I won't get you back like that." I said and she smiled.

"Who says that you are going to have me back?" She asked with her arms crossed in front of her chest, and I smirked because she was with a 'I'm challenging you' look (AN: Barney Stinson appeared and says Challenge Accepted).

"I thought that you knew I am not that kind of person who gives up that easily." I told her and she rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

"I'm going to the living room. Bye." She said and walked away.

I quickly dressed up and went to the living room where I saw Caroline writing something in a paper, she looked stunning. She was beautiful, in everything.

"May I know to whom are you writing that love letter?" I asked and she gave me a look.

"It might be to Tyler?" And she gave me a look still not saying anything. "Stefan..." I tried and she gave me another look to make me see that it was wrong.

"Wait... Don't you say that I am the lucky suitor?" I asked with a smirk.

"Came on! I'm writing something important over here." She told me.

"May I know what is it?"

"A bucket list?"

"Since when do you need to make a list for buckets?" I asked serious.

"Ahah very funny" she said sarcastically.

"British humor." I said and she shocked her head with a smile on her face. "But tell me, why are you making a bucket list?"

"Well, today Elijah told me that my life would be different and I wouldn't be totally free. And I have this thing that when someone says that I can't have or do something, I prove them wrong." She said with a smile and I smirked because I'm exactly like that.

"Do you give me the honor of seeing what you did write until now."

"Okay. But if you laugh at me I will make you regret it." She said and I nodded with a smirk, then she gave me the paper.

'1. See the world.
2. Learn a new language.
3. Ride a horse.
4. Learn how to play a strategic game that you don't already know.
5. Find something that Niklaus Mikaelson doesn't know (which probably doesn't exist)
6. Skydiving.
7. Sing once again in a public place.
8. Go to a park and have fun in the rain like you did when you were a kid.
9. See the Northern lights.'

"This is not exactly true. I can be older than you but..."

"You have a bazillion years." She cut me off and make me chuckle.

"Actually I have a thousand..."

"Whatever grandpa." She said and I chuckled again.

"I can be a thousand years old but I don't know everything."

"Are you serious? Like what?" She asked me.

"Sign language." I told her and she make some signs and I asked "What was that?"

"I just said that I finally found something I know that you don't." She said.

"You know signing?"

"Yep. My cousin got deaf when she was 6 years old and I start to learn sign language along with my family so she couldn't have the trouble of reading our lips every time we wanted to talk to her." She explained me.

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