Chapter 59

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Caroline's POV

What the hell did he just said to me? Doesn't he know that I don't speak ancient languages? I don't even know why I'm thinking about him right now, or what he said... Or how closed we were and how I felt his breathing in my skin and butterflies in my stomach and how our lips were really closed... Nope, not thinking about it.

Thank God, in a short time after Klaus leave my room, Rebekah appeared and she wanted to talk about me and how I was dealing with everything and told me that I wouldn't depress alone, I would have her not just for when I needed a shoulder to cry on but whenever I needed some girl day doing girl stuff.

Klaus's POV

Caroline is right I'm too afraid to let people in and now I lost her, she admitted that she still loves me but she also admitted that we were over. I knew that I said I wanted a break but I didn't meant break up... I need to talk to someone, so I called the only person I trust when it's about feelings, Camille.

After a few minutes of texting her, someone knocked on the door of the office, the place where I was.

"Hello Klaus! I'm here." She said with a smile.

"Hello Cami! Thank you for coming in such short notice." I said and she gave me a smile. "Come in."

I closed the door and told her to seat, then she looked at me and asked why I called her.

"Well, Camille... You might not notice but I'm not very good at talking about my emotions and feelings," I told her.

"Clearly" she said to herself but of course I heard her.

"Continue. Now I'm in this dilemma about Caroline. I want to give us another chance and I know that she still loves me and I love her too but I did asked for a break and..."

"You did..." She said and I saw her reaction, she seemed shocked and with hope in her eyes. I didn't know why but I didn't care, right now all I can think about is Caroline.

"Yes, but it was just until I could trust her like before but today she told me that when I asked for a break, what that really meant for her was it was a break up. But she also told me that she couldn't leave me, which means that there's hope for me and Caroline. What should I do Camille? I can't lose Caroline. She will still be the Queen of the Quarter and New Orleans, but I wanted her to be my Queen, the Caroline Mikaelson or Mr. Mikaelson, but now she even asked my minions and Mais to called her Miss Caroline. I want her to be mine again."

"Klaus, you know that I really care about you and this is why I'm saying this. Caroline is using you, she's saying the stuff you want to hear so she could stay in your home, be the Queen of your city and have the expensive things she never had. You once told me that she was from a small-town and usual that kind of girls who get out of those cities and go to cities with more activity they get all impressed and don't want to get back, they want to stay in this kind of cities and probably Caroline is seeing a chance to have power like she always wanted."

"Camille, I'm glad that you cared about me but Caroline is not like that. Caroline can be hard and sometimes has complains about things that nobody cares about, but she's also a good person, she's a good friend, she's honest, strong and full of light, she's the most amazing person I ever met and she's not that person that you are painting right now. Caroline doesn't even know how to lie." I said and Camille got up and walked over to me, to be closer to me.

"I'm just worried, I don't want to see you get hurt. I know how hard it's for you when people let you down. That's why I want you to know that you have me." She said now holding my hand. "You will always have me."

"Thank you Camille. But you can't make a promise like that." I said.

"Yes I can. You know why?" She asked me getting closer. "Because every single day that you were on that prison, we're like hell to me. I needed our talks. I missed how you would go to the bar and compelled everyone to get out just to stay with me and talk. I missed you so much." She told me and I gave her a weak smile, then she hugged me. "Please don't leave me again."

"Camille." I said making her look at me and compelled her to forget about our session and that she told me how much she missed me.

I decided to take a drink so I went to the living room and saw Caroline drinking a bottle of alcohol.

"I guess I was right while we were in the prison."

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"I was Camille's back-up. You were the one who probably didn't realize it."

"Caroline, I already told you that Camille is just my fri..."

"No need to explanations. Your not my boyfriend. Don't worry, I'm not going to be in the middle of your relationship or whatever you are. She seems a nice girl..." Caroline said fighting her tears, I wanted to say that I didn't felt about Cami in that way but she never let me. She pose down the bottle of alcohol and hold my hands making me look at her, she with a weak smile said "I really hope you find a way to get her and be happy with her. You deserve a happy ending after everything."

She walked away and I just stay there without knowing what to do because I knew Caroline and she was too stubborn to hear me.

AN: This photo might not have much to do with the chapter but is just to see that they are not so different as people think.

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