Chapter 56

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Caroline's POV

"Now if you excuse me I would like to be alone right now." I said with a weak smile, trying to hide my sadness but without any success.

"Of course. But if you need anything." He said and I could see concerned in his eyes, but I couldn't tell him it was okay he being here with me when I looked at him and it hurt.

"Thank you." I said once again with a weak smile then added "if you excuse me..." And with that I closed the door.

I decided to go back to eating my chocolate ice cream and put another movie, it was another romantic movie, I eat the ice cream and cried a lot, not just because of the movie but also and the principal reason was because I wasn't with Klaus. Even I still see him as Nik and my Nik, I decided to start calling him Klaus and when I'm thinking about him I correct myself and instead of using Nik, I use Klaus. I can't show that I'm weak, but it's hard, specially because I know I was the principal responsible to make him break up with me or wanting to have a break.

I decided to sleep for awhile, so I went to my wardrobe and look at Klaus's t-shirt, I kind of stole it, when I was putting my stuff to my new room. It was just something to remember him by, yes I had the necklace but I decided to take it because if I continue to wear it, he would see that I was weak and I wanted him badly. I wouldn't give him that, I would t be like those girls he was used to that just fall to his feet. I am Caroline Forbes, I do not let guys mess with my head since I turn to a vampire, I am nod that needy girl that I once was that always wanted a boyfriend just to not feel alone. I am going to get through this like I always do, with my head up high. Klaus wanted a break so I would make the best of it, I had more time to have girl bonding with Rebekah, more time to be with my friend Elijah, maybe get to know new guys and the good thing about having a break, it was that you were temporarily on the market and you could be flirting with guys just for fun.

But the problem was that since that day in the woods, where I confessed my feelings towards him and made love to him, he ruined sex with other guys to me, with him was different. Maybe it was different because he was older and had more experience but with him was just mind-blowing, he was just something no women could get enough.

I put his T-shirt as a dress and lay down, the only thing that made me could fell asleep was that I had his scent near me. How can I miss him when I know that he is just some meters away from me? I love him so much that it hurts, I never felt something like that before...

A.N.: Thank you everyone for reading, commenting and/or voting. This is the last chapter I'm going to write tonight, ( this last part is specially for ClaudiaSecchi7 ). Thank you for everyone's support. You guys are the best. I will update as soon as I can. Love you guys <3

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