Chapter 18

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Klaus's POV

It's been a week since I found out that Caroline never takes my necklace, I never had realized but since that day I start to noticed that she doesn't take even when she goes to bed.

I went to the kitchen to make the breakfast but when I open the fridge, I saw that it was empty. I decided to go to the supermarket to 'shop' some essentials, when I was walking to the supermarket someone push me to the ground, when I turn around I saw Mikael.

"Hello boy" he said with his hand on my throat, I try to fight back but he was stronger, then he get out of me and push me agains a tree "I was really offended when I found out that the blonde vampire from Mystic Falls was here and you didn't feel to the men who raised you and who you trapped in this place." He said and I whined my eyes concerned with Caroline's safety "I can't believe she's the key to us get out of here... and don't even try to deny it, I saw you, I heard every conversation. I saw how you looked at her and how you try to talk to her... How shame would be if something happened to her..." He said with an evil smirk.

"Don't even think in touching her." I growled to him.

"Calm down, boy. You are too impulsive." He said. "I won't do nothing to her. She is the key to get out of here but if she tries to trick me then you can say bye bye to your sweet Caroline."

He then took a knife from his pocket, but it wasn't just any knife.

"See you in hell." He said with his evil smirk and then stabbed me in the stomach.

Caroline's POV

When I went to the living room I saw a note.

'Caroline, I had a conversation with Klaus about betrayal, I wish you good luck to survive without him. Mikael."

Without even thinking twice I run to the streets to try to find him but nothing, then I went to the streets and I heard someone yelling, it was Klaus... I run after the sound and saw Klaus laying in the ground, I run to him then got to my knees and got closer to him.

"Caroline, go!" He managed to say.


"It's dangerous. You shouldn't stay." He said trying not yell because of the pain.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to leave you. I'm staying."


"Because I love you." I said and then realized what I just said, I didn't want to tell him like that but there wasn't a way to go back.

He just looked at me and had a small smile in his face, then he rest his hand on my cheek and said "I love you too." And I couldn't help but smile but I let out a few years because he was in pain.

"There needs to be a way to take this thing off of you." I said and try to take the knife that was now going to inside of his body.

"It's okay. I'm dying... but I'm happy. Because I am with the women I love. The only women I truly loved with all my heart."

"No. You're not dying." I shocked my head and a few seconds later he closed his eyes. "No. Don't leave me. You are the only one I have left. I love you..." I said crying then I look at his stomach and said "you are not dead. You can't be."

I put my hand on his stomach and start searching for the knife, when I reach it, I took it out and looked at Klaus but he was still with his eyes closed.

"No. No. I love you... Please, I need you. I can't live without you. You're the love of my life." I said crying and with my head now resting in his chest trying to reach comfort even if he was dead.

"And you are the love of my life." He said making me seat and look at him.

"You're alive!" I said in disbelief and then kissed him with passion and love, he kissed me right back and when we broke the kiss we smiled to each other with our heads resting in each other's foreheads.

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