Chapter 60

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Caroline's POV

It's been a week and half since I saw Camille walking out of the office. I had been crying and focusing my anger in getting stronger with boxing and jogging, and every time I needed to be alone depressing I had my chocolates and ice creams to eat along with seeing those romantic movies that makes you cry without stopping. I just said the necessary to Klaus for not showing him that he hurt me by being with Cami. He told me that they were just friends, but if that was the case why they went to his office, he told me it was a personal place that nobody would go unless the people he truly trusted or/and cared about.

Today I woke up decided, if I'm going to continue to be in here and continue to be the Queen or whatever I need to stop avoiding Klaus and start talking more to him. I need to be more time with him to realize how it works ruling New Orleans and how to treat the others for making them know that I'm the one who is ruling their town.

After another awkward breakfast where nobody said anything, Klaus left to his office. It was now or never, I took a few minutes and then walked over to his office and knocked on the door. He opened the door and looked at me with a shocked surprised but quickly covered it up with his poker face making me not knowing what he was thinking.

"May I come in and have a private talk with you?" I asked and he just nodded and took a step, letting me in and then closed the door behind me.

"What can I do for you, love?" He asked.

"Well, I would like to know if I'm still the queen of New Orleans or not." I started and he looked at me with a strange look.

"That depends. Do you want to continue to be?" He asked me with his poker face.

"Yes. But for me to be a queen of New Orleans I need to know your thoughts about it." I said and he smirked getting closer to me.

"So you want to know what I think?" He asked smirking and I rolled my eyes.


"I always knew you were meant for be a queen and I believe that you will be amazing at it, specially in New Orleans where you are surrounded by art, music, food and culture..." He said reminding me of the voicemail he send me when he went to New Orleans, then he got even closer to me and added. "And you bring the light to this city."

"Great!" I said and walked over to the desk to stop thinking about him being that closed to me and remind myself of what I was here doing. "Well, then..." I said and turn around to see him and smiled to him. "Could you help me?"

"Help you?" He asked me confused.

"Yeah... The most important tittle that I had in my entire life was being Miss Mystic Falls, which is nothing compare with being the responsible of an entire city. I don't know what do. Do I need to make people afraid of me? Do I need to give them my number to let them talk to me whenever they need someone to talk to? Do I need to have skills to do something, like riding a horse or knowing how to speak ancient languages like you do... What is my job? And when we are around people how are we going to say it's our relationship? Do we do the good-bad cop thing? Do we make the rules in group or you make the rules on some things and me on other things? When we make the rules, do we write down or we make a special event making them know the new rules? And most of all, how do I treat other people?" I asked him and he chuckled with my questions. "Stop laughing. It's not funny. I'm not used to be this important person who rules a city along with the most powerful creature in the word."

"Sorry." He said after he stopped laughing at me, then looked at me with a smirk and said "Caroline you need to calm down. You are going to be a perfect queen. The rules we are always going to talk about it and decide everything together, which means we need to be together for more time and we will probably discuss a lot."

"I'm okay with it." I said and he smirked again.

"You don't need to know right away stuff like riding a horse, along the time you will eventually learn. That's just part of life when we live forever without aging. Now a important thing is that, you need to show people that you are the leader but you don't need to be rude, in fact you do all that by just being yourself. But don't give people too much of your trust. You will do the same thing as me, make sure this city is safe, and there will continue to be harmony between werewolves, vampires and witches, but you have an important function that you are the only one capable of doing, not even me can do it, you will be the person who will not just help people but also will give them hope when they have none."

"Of course. But are you sure that I'm capable of giving everyone hope?"

"Yes, I'm sure of it. And in our relationship, I think for the best, the only people who will know how we are is Marcel, my siblings and Camille. They are the only people I truly trust. The rest will believe that you are still my girlfriend." He said getting closer to me, and caressed my cheek. "Whenever we be around people we need to be closer..." He said almost closing the space between us. "We will make everyone believe that we are meant to each other..." He said and I felt his breath in my skin, I looked down to try stop thinking about us being so together but he made me look up with his other hand on my jaw, then traveled to my waist. "We need to be this close... You need to be ready to do that." He said.

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