Chapter 25

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Caroline's POV

I was walking to the streets when I heard someone calling my name, I turned and saw Elijah.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Klaus didn't want you to be alone..." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I can take care of myself."

"I know..." He said and then speed to be in front of me and asked "What happened?"

"Nothing special, I just had a fight with your brother." I said and then added "and I think I was kind of harsh on him..."

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I told him that he used me as Cami's back-up and that he thought of me as just a women that he had sex with..." I said and look immediately to the ground feeling shame of what I said to Klaus, then I felt Elijah's arms around me and I hugged him back because I needed some comfort. I never thought it would be so hard be without Klaus.

"Let's go!" I said breaking the hug.


"Church. I don't know why but lately I had dreams about the church..." I explained him, he simply nodded and went with me to see the church, I told him about my dreams and then we went over to all the painting to see if there was anything behind them but nothing.

"Sorry." He said.

"It's fine. We'll see this church better another day." I told him and then we went to the boarding house.

When I opened the door I saw Cami seating in the couch and Klaus serving himself some bourbon.

"No results." I said when they looked at me and Elijah.

"Well, I think I'm going to bed... It was a long day and I'm not hungry." Cami said

"Goodnight" we all said, she just nodded and went to my room.

Klaus's POV

I stay there looking at Caroline and my brother next to each other, today I torment myself thinking what things they could be doing and if they are together, because they have grown closer each day that pass.

"I can't believe this. The story repeats... I think that a women cares about me to find out that the person she truly love is my brother." I said and drink the rest of the bourbon. "After Tatia, I promised to myself to not love anyone and I was okay with it... But you..." I said pointing to Caroline "You had to appear and making me want to be a better men. I felt love again, you make me feel all those things, happiness, jealousy, hurt... You made me weak. Because of you I surrender to love. And what do I win with that? The women I love feel in love with my brother."

"I don't love your brother."

"I better go." Elijah said and walked away.

"I don't believe that. You guys are always together."

"Elijah is just my friend and the reason that he is always with me is because he knows how hurtful it is to see the person you love with somebody else." I snapped at him.

"I don't believe you." He said. "My brother is always the one who gets pick. He is always the greater men and the men who women want to be with. Everyone prefers my brother over me. And how can I blame them? I am just a horrible monster who is a bastard that shouldn't even be born." I said now seating in the armchair.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, you are not a monster. You are a fighter, a warrior. And I am really glad that you born and that I met you because I can't imagine my life without you. After we break up all I get was pain and jealousy by seeing you with Camille." I said and was now in front of him. "I am not Tatia. Don't ever compare me to her again."

I walked a way but soon he grabbed my arm, and then travel his hand to my wrist, just his touch made me feel sparkles inside.

"I love you Caroline. You're not Cami's back-up. I am friends with Cami just because she reminded me of you when I was in Mystic Falls and when I was around her it was a way that made me feel around you. You were never the back-up or just a challenge. You were always the one I loved unconditionally... And still do. I love you Caroline." I told her. After what she told me this morning I thought that she should know how I feel about her.

She turned around and looked deeply into my eyes, then said "I love you Niklaus."

I smirked and kissed her passionately, she kissed me back and I could feel her smile in my lips, after awhile she broke the kiss.

"For how much I am enjoying what we are doing. I want for us to get back together but with both of us sober." She said and I chuckled.

"Can we at least sleep in the same bed?" I asked and she smirked at me, then we went to my room and sleep cuddling to each other.

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