Chapter 19

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Klaus's POV

We went to the Salvatore's boarding house and I told her everything that happen and that we need to be extra careful.

"You need some blood. You are not healing fast enough." Caroline said and while seating me down.

"Caroline, I am fine and in this prison there is no blood. That's why it's a vampire prison." I told her.

"Fine. Drink from me." Caroline said and when I was about to say that I was fine she gave me a look, she gave me her wrist but I put her in my lap and bite her neck, her blood was magnificent and my wounds start to healing, when they all were healed, I stopped drinking but before I got back to my original position, I kissed her neck in the place where I had drank from her.

"Klaus" she moaned my name, I couldn't help but smirk, then Caroline bite my neck, it was amazing the feeling of her drinking my blood, I continue to kiss her neck and didn't take long before I found her sweet spot making her stop drinking from me to moan my name, I kissed her neck, than her jaw and finally I kissed her lips, her beautiful, soft lips. She kissed me right back with passion, lust and hunger.

I took her to the bedroom, then she pushed me to the wall and took my t-shirt, I just rip her top and kissed her again, she kissed me back and I could see that she wanted this as bad as I wanted it. I pushed her to the bed and was now on top of her, then kissed her neck making her moaned my name, when I stopped she kissed me with so much passion that seemed like we didn't saw each other in centuries, which I loved it. Caroline took the belt of my jeans and my jeans while kissing me, then she rolled over to be on top which make me smirk because I'm used to be on top and the women do whatever I wanted to, but she wasn't just any women... She kissed me, then my chest and licked my 6 pack and travelled my body with her right hand like no other women done before, no one touched me like her before, making me moan her name and I felt her smirk on my abs and then got back to my lips.

"Love, you're going to be the death of me..." I said between the kisses and moans, she just smirked to me, so I rolled her over and start to kiss her body, explore her body with my lips making her moan my name.

"I need you... Now" she said between the moans, I smirked and made love to her.


I finally made love with Caroline and it was unbelievably amazing, it was mind-blowing... I can't believe that I finally made love with Caroline, and this time we had no one to make me doubt that she truly wanted this, she truly wanted to be with me. Caroline was now with her head resting on my chest and was playing with my fingers.

"Klaus... What are we?" She asked looking now at me and she was with a poker face making me not see what were her feelings.

"Well, I would like to be your boyfriend but you probably want to take things slow... So, is up to you." I said and was a little insecure of what she might said but I didn't show it.

"I want to be your girlfriend." She said smiling and kissed me.

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