Chapter 53

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Caroline's POV

Before I open the door to my room, I called Jessica, which was one of the maids that had 23 years old, she appeared in a blink (she was also a vampire).

"Did you call me, my queen?" She asked me and I nodded.

"I was wondering if you could go with me shopping. It's not going to be to buy clothes, it's going to be good and other things. I will also need your help and somebody else to put all the things in this room."

"Not to sound all gossipy or something like that but are you now going to sleep in here."

"In the moment, yes." I said.

"But I thought that you and Lord Niklaus..." She said then she added embarrassed "Sorry. It's not my place to say what is your relationship with my master and I'm not here to see what relationships you have."

"Don't need to apologize. So are you going to shop with me?"

"Of course, my queen. Anything that you want it will be done, my Lord had been very explicit in that rule." She said the last part more to herself than me.

"Let's go?" I asked and she nodded.

I went with her to a store near the mansion and we bought a lot of chocolate ice creams, chocolate tablets, some chocolate cookies, some chips, some popcorns and a lot of bottles of alcohol because I didn't want them to see me drinking to much, then we went to another store and I bought, or better saying compelled the owner to give me, a laptop, a charge for my iPhone because I didn't have any, a mini-fridge, a microwave, a tv with all package, then we went to a sport store and I bought a boxing bag, boxing gloves and wraps to punch the bag, then I bought some snickers and clothes to go jogging. After that we went back to the house and I called one of Klaus's minions that helped me with the bags in the day I went shopping with Rebekah.

"Hello, Mrs. Mikaelson! What can I do for you today?" He asked with a smirk, and I got my sadness all back in a more painful way because I would stop being called Mrs. Mikaelson when Klaus would decided that he was over me and wanted me gone and far away from him, but I didn't let show my sadness.

"Please call me now miss Caroline. Mrs. Mikaelson make me sound old." I said with a smile and added "And after your help, I would like you let everyone know that I would prefer they call me Miss Caroline."

"Of course Miss Caroline."

"Good! But first helps I take the tv and put everything in my new room."

"New room?" He asked.

"Yes. New room." I said and make a look to make him see that I was not giving more informations about my situation with Klaus.

"Okay. Don't worry about it." He said and then I went to my new room with some bags and they followed me with the haziest stuff like mini-fridge, microwave and tv.

The guy put my plasma tv in the wall in a way I could be lay down on the bed and look straight to the tv, I put my iPhone charging and start to put my things in my new laptop, then programming stuff to my pc. I had chose the biggest room that there it was for a guest room, and after they helped me with everything I thank them and told them they could go.

I looked at my new room and put a weak smile on my face, I can be suffer but at least I have things to depress and things for when I want to focus my anger on something.

Then I lay down on my bed and start to seeing romantic movies that made me cry with the comfort of a chocolate ice-cream. Like I say, a women's best friend is chocolate and because I'm vampire, I won't get fat for eating to much of it.

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