Chapter 34

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Caroline's POV

We where in the living room and Rebekah was telling the guys about the day, while I was enjoying the feeling of Klaus touch, he was just caressing my back, I know it wasn't nothing specially but just feeling his touch on my skin it was like sparkles.

"Good night, my lord." A guy said making me want to laugh but I decided to bite my lip so nobody looked at me like if I was crazy. "I'm sorry to interrupt but dinner is ready."

The guy went away and I start to laugh.

"May I know why are you laughing?" Klaus asked and I try to stop.

"Nothing special. Does he need to call you my lord every time?" I asked.

"Yes." He simply said.

"So what will he call me? My queen?" I asked smiling and curious

"Mrs. Caroline Mikaelson or Mrs. Mikaelson." Klaus said.

"What? You can have my lord and I can't have my queen."

"No." He said almost growling and added "you are my queen."

"Who's jealous now?" I asked smirking and he was about to leave to the dinning room, so I vamp speed to be in front of him. "Don't be like that. You know that is you who I want to be with."

He smirked and I kissed him passionately, then we went to the dinning room. I seat next to Klaus and we start to have dinner.

After the dinner, we went to the living room again, we talked, laughed and drink. And now I was making out with Klaus while Rebekah and Elijah were playing.

"Elijah. Katherine, Emma or Claire?" Rebekah asked when I broke the kiss and try to stop ti make out session because I was listing control of the situation. I was almost forgetting that Elijah and Rebekah were here.

"Marry Katherine, kill Emma and fuck Claire." Elijah said.

"Klaus. How about you? Marry, Fuck, kill. Me, Camille and Tatia." I said testing him.

"Don't answer." Elijah warned his brother "There's no good answer..."

"Who would you kill Cami or Tatia?" Rebekah asked curious.

"I would kill you of having blow-minding sex with you in our honeymoon." He said and I smiled.

"Excellent answer." I said and kissed him.

"I think I better go to my room." Rebekah said.

"Yes, I go with you." Elijah said and after their goodbyes we stayed in the living room alone.

He start to travel his lips to my neck, and search until he could find my sweet spot.

"I was seeing they would never leave." He said between the kisses.

"Nik..." I moaned and felt his smirk on my skin "bedroom?"

In a blink I was already against the wall of our bedroom.

"Someone's in the mood." I said smirking to myself.

"When I'm with you, I'm always in the mood." He whispered to my ear.

I pushed him to the bed and took my dress, he looked at me with so much admiration that made me blush a little bit. I kissed him, then took his t-shirt so I could kiss his chest and his 6 pack, then I went to his neck and got back to his lips.

He rolled me over to be on top and took his jeans, then he made love to me making me moaning like no one had done before, I even weep a little, but it was in a good way. We did a few rounds until we both got tired, I was trying to control my breathing without any success and Niklaus was also trying to catch his breath.

"Can I ask you something?" Klaus asked me and I nodded, so he added "Do you think we can work in here? In the real world?"

"We will never know if we don't try. But yes, I believe we can work in the real world. Why?"

"Because when we were in the prison you said..." He said making me remember the day that I told him that I didn't believe we would work in the real world.

"That was jealousy and fear talking. I was afraid that you would hurt me so I needed to break up with you before you dump me. I never had doubts about us." I told him and he kissed me.

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