Chapter 23

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Caroline's POV

It's been a weak since Klaus and I break-up, we never stop talking and even if I try to not talking with him, that would be impossible because we are stuck in a prison. I just talk the essential with that Camille girl, because I don't like her and that make Elijah being the closer person I have here. I am not Elijah's best friend or something like that, but I can't talk like I used to with Klaus and every time I look at Klaus it hurts because I want to be with him but if I do, I will get hurt again and I am not ready to have my heart broken again.

I woke up, took a shower, put some clothes and makeup on and then I curled my hair, after that I went to the kitchen where was Elijah making the breakfast.

"Good morning 'Lijah!" I said and he looked at me and gave me a smile.

"Morning Caroline! I am making some waffles. I am almost done, I was about to wake you all up." Elijah said.

"Don't worry... I am going to wake them up." I said and he gave me a thank you smile.

I went over to Damon's room (the room of Cami) I knocked and I heard nothing, so I open the door and saw her sleeping cuddled to Klaus, I knew that they didn't had sex because they were with the clothes on but that still hurt me, I didn't show it and just called them and wake them up.

"Caroline... This is not..."

"It's fine." I said with a small smile and then added "Elijah already did the breakfast for us. He's waiting for us."

After that I walked to the kitchen and start talking with Elijah, so I wouldn't think about Klaus and Cami sleeping together.

Klaus's POV

"Caroline... This is not..." I try to say when I woke up and realized that I slept with Cami and Caroline saw us.

"It's fine." She said with a small smile and then added "Elijah already did the breakfast for us. He's waiting for us."

I didn't saw jealousy or hurt, she really seemed fine with this. She probably is over me and the reason is most likely my dear brother, they are almost all the time talking with each other. I can't believe once again the women I love probably likes Elijah...

I only sleep with Cami because she had a nightmare and was scared, she asked me to sleep in my bed but was't just my bed, that's the bed where Caroline slept with me almost since the first day and one of the many places we made love... So I went to her room and sleep there with her, if I could go back I would just let her sleep in my bed, because apparently Caroline doesn't see me anymore like she used too...

When I got dressed, Camille was still in the bathroom, so I decided to go to the kitchen and saw Caroline and Elijah talking and smiling to each other.

"Good morning Niklaus." Elijah said making Caroline turn to see me.

"Brother. Caroline." I said and gave them a nod, Caroline gave me a nod as well.

"So... Where's Cami. I'm super hungry." Caroline said and Elijah chuckle.

"She's probably on her way." I said and she just nodded. "Caroline can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure" she said and I took her to the office and just stay there looking at her. "So what did you wanted to talk to me about?"

"I wanted to tell you that nothing happen between me and Cami and that..."

"Klaus, you're not my boyfriend. I don't need explanation. If you want to date her or something just do it. I don't care." She said and I smirk because in the last part she was playing with her ring which meant she was lying.

"You are a very bad liar." I said smirking and got closer to her. "Why don't you give us a try. We both like each other. Don't you remember how good we were together? Don't you remember how nice it was when I was like that" I said wrapping my arms in her waist and then I added "don't you remember how good it felt when I touched you?" I asked cupped a hand on her cheek and we stayed like that looking at each other's eyes.

"It was really nice..." She said with a small smile and I couldn't help but smirk. "But we're not together anymore." Then she walked away making me stay there alone without knowing what to do.

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