Chapter 44

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Caroline's POV

I was now packing my stuff angry at him and myself, I was also mad at myself because I was naive to the point of thinking I was not just another women to Klaus. How could I thought that he was capable of loving me? I am just a small-town girl, I shouldn't be here. I should be somewhere else but here, I am not meant to be a queen, I am meant to be a normal vampire doing usual stuff and not rule New Orleans or stuff like that. I should left when Nina told me they would hurt me eventually and damage me, at least I wouldn't be in so much pain like I am right now.

"Love..." He said when he walked into the room.

"What do you want Klaus?" I asked and used the name Klaus because that was the name I called him when I was angry with him or I was fighting with him.

"Please don't leave, Caroline." He said and I just kept putting my stuff in the bag, then he hold my hand making me look at him.

"You're in pain..." He said to himself and took some of my pain away (AN: I know this just happens in the show Teen Wolf but just go with it.)

"Yeah, I just found out that my boyfriend doesn't want me in his life so..." I said and turn around to go back to my stuff.

"I'm sorry. I just got insecure when I heard the name Stefan and when I heard him saying that he needed you, I thought you would go to him and maybe he would make you fell for him."

"I don't know why you care that much. You just told me that your life was perfect before you met me." I snapped at him.

"I didn't meant it. I thought you were going to leave and I didn't want you to left me and knowing that you break my heart by leaving and that you were important in my life." He snapped at me.

"So you prefer hurting me..."

"I just said... Your impossible." He snapped at me once again.

"And you are unbearable." I snapped at him.

Then I don't know how and when did it started, we stopped fighting and start making out, having after that angry sex which became one of my favorites and after a few rounds, we were in the bed naked catching our breath.

"Please tell me this wasn't a goodbye." He said almost in a whisper and I saw fear, hurt and shame in his eyes.

"I could never leave you. For how much I try, I will always find a way to you." I said looking at him, he smirked and kissed me.

"Wait. Does this means that we are okay?"

"That depends are you going to precipitate to conclusions again?" I asked and he shocked his head. "Then yes, we are back together."

"I love you so much Caroline. Don't ever doubt that. I love you more than life itself. You're the one that makes me not fall apart or stop caring like used to, before I didn't care about nothing but now..."

"That's not true, you cared about your siblings and Marcel."

"It was different. I never cared about anyone like I care about you. I would die for you. You're the love of my life and I am happy that I needed to wait a thousand years to met you, if I had to I would wait 3 thousand years. I don't care if take to long to finally met you, I know that my destiny was meting you and make you fall for me. Your my soulmate. I love you." He said and I blushed and smiles then I kissed him.

"I love you so much Nik. I just start to fell insecure again because I never thought someone would love me and when I have the most powerful guy saying he fancies me and stuff like that I try not to believe it. I tried so much to keep away from you, not because I thought you were a bad person, but because I was too afraid of fall for you and you got bored. I'm sorry for my insecurities. I love you so damn much. I just start to think this is all a dream and I will eventually wake up." I said and he kissed me with passion.

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