Chapter 22

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Caroline's POV

The all day I spent with Klaus, Elijah and Camille explaining how thing are in this prison and about Mikael.

It was already night and I saw Klaus and Cami talking in the garden and she laughing of something that he said.

"Caroline, you know that you don't need to feel jealous of"

"I'm not jealous." I cut Elijah off and he just nodded "Fine, I'm a little jealous. It's just it all seemed good but when you guys appeared I realized that we are not in a real world and that what I have with Klaus wouldn't work if we were in the real world..."

"Caroline, Klaus never stopped thinking about you when we were in New Orleans." Elijah told me.

"Thanks for listening to me." I said and hugged him, he was shocked at first but then hugged me back.

Klaus's POV

I decided go back to the house and Camille stay there appreciating the silence, she said she like it. When I open the door I see my brother and Caroline hugging, with that I couldn't help but feel jealous of Elijah. Of course with just one talk he made her hug him, I mean it is he always the one who everyone picks...

"Well, well... Look how sweet" I said sarcastically making them break the hug.

"Klaus..." Caroline try but I cut her off.

"What? Just because you see me talking with another girl, you go after my brother in a blink?" I asked just showing anger but the truth is that what I felt it was hurt for seeing her in my brother's arms.

"Do you think that I am a slut or something like that? I am not like the women you used to have. And I am not going to be anyone's back-up. So... I better go take a walk and you be happy with your Camille. Bye." Caroline snapped at me and used her vamp speed to get out of the house.

I looked at Elijah and pushed him to the wall, then I put my hand on his heart and say "Caroline is mine."

"I know. But she probably doesn't." He said making me take the hand of his heart and his chest.

"What do you mean by that."

"Came on! Niklaus, you have been all day with Camille and Caroline felt like the third wheel. She thinks that the only reason that you are with her is because she is stuck in this prison with you. She thinks in the real world you guys wouldn't work out..." Elijah said.

"She told you that?" I asked and he nodded, again all I felt was hurt. People say that when you have your heart broken, your heart hurts more than you can even imagine, but the truth is that it wasn't just my heart, my all body was hurting inside just think that she might said that we wouldn't work out outside of this prison.

I decided to go after Caroline, I run to the woods, in the place where I found her once crying and she was there.

"Caroline..." I said making her look at me

"Klaus..." She simply said.

"I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I didn't meant for calling you a slut or something like that." I start but she just shocked her head.

"Klaus, we need to stop this." She said and a tear fall from her eye.

"What? No. We've been so happy..." I told her and hold her hand but she quickly took her hands of mine.

"No. It was an illusion... We were alone. That's why we never had problems. Klaus, how do you think it would be when we got back? You were in New Orleans and me in college..."

"We could make this work." I said fighting so the tears would come out.

"No, even if we try. You need to stop being king or I needed to stop go to college and be in Mystic Falls so we could be together... One of us needed to stop being with the people who we care about or the place we like to be. I'm so sorry but it's better we ended it now than later." She said with tears in her face and some tears fall from my eyes too.

"So this mean that... we break up?" I asked even knowing the answer.

"I guess so..." She said and a few more tears run from her eyes, so I hugged her and she hugged me back "I'm sorry"

"I am too." I told her.

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