Chapter 33

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Caroline's POV

After a long day shopping with Rebekah, I went back to the Quarter and some guys appeared when I was getting all the bags with the clothes we bought, and when I say bought I mean compelled.

"Are this your bags?" A guy with brown hair and matching eyes asked.


"Okay. You and Miss Rebekah can come in, and we put your bags in your rooms." The guy said.

"There's no..."

"Thank you." Rebekah said cutting me off and took me to the living room where was Elijah talking to my Klaus.

"Guess who." I said covering his eyes with my hands.

"Who might be? I think I need some clue than something more to feel than your soft hands." He said smirking, I smiled and kiss his cheek. "I still can't figure it out. One more clue."

I kissed his beautiful lips and let him look at me, when we broke the kiss we both smiled to each other.

"Okay. What did you do to my brother? I never saw him like that. Not even when he was human and was okay with showing his good side." Rebekah said making me chuckle while I was seating in his lap.

"How was your shopping day?" Klaus asked us trying to change the subject.

"It was awesome! Your sister is the best" I said smiling.

"You are also awesome, Care." Bekah said and I gave her a smile, then I saw the 2 guys that we found in the entrance of the Quarter going back to the entrance.

"Why didn't we put the stuff in our room?" I asked Rebekah.

"Love, your the Queen. Now you don't have to do stuff like organizing your stuff and cleaning and..." He said but I cut him off

"Are you taking the cleaning and organizing away from me?" I asked him showing that I was upset with that.

"Well, you are a Queen now. You don't need to worry about that kind of stuff." He said.

"Worry. Do you know me? I have stress-cleaning and organizing is my favorite thing to do."

"That's a thing you have in common with Niklaus." Elijah said to himself but I didn't answer because I was to busy showing Klaus that I was upset.

"How about this? When you want you can clean and organizing and every time that we have an event, like party or dinner or something like that you are the one who's going to organize everything and told my minions what to do." Klaus said making me smile and he smirked when he saw I wasn't upset anymore.

"I really love you Niklaus Mikaelson." I said and kissed me.

"And I love you Caroline Mikaelson." He said when we broke the kiss making me smirk because I love it when he called me like that.

"Get a room." Rebekah said.

"Rebekah" Elijah said with a warning voice.

"Well, I have been talking with Elijah to know how things have been in here and apparently everything is okay. It's still dangerous to you go out alone because anyone knows who you are."

"I'm not going to be stuck in here. I am people person, I need to be around people. Specially after where we were..."

"You wound me, love" he said faking to be hurt. "I thought you liked my company."

"You know I like to be with you but I still..."

"I know, I know..." He said then added "That's why we are going to organize a Ball where everyone will know who you are and that you are their Queen." He said the last part with proud.

"And when Niklaus says everyone, he means the people he knows won't hurt you." Elijah said and Klaus gave him a death glare.

"Does that mean that since he left Mystic Falls, he start to trust more in people?" I asked curious and confused because I knew he wasn't the kind of person who easily change or trust people, and I get it. When I made the question Rebekah start laughing until she couldn't take anymore making all of us look at her and Klaus was now capable of killing her.

"Nik... Trust in people... OMG that was good" she said while laughing and I gave her a look to make her see that her brother was capable of killing her in that precise moment. "Sorry, that was unnecessary."

"It's okay." I said before Klaus could say anything, then I look to Klaus and asked, trying to change the subject. "When you say we are going to organize this Ball, who do you mean?"

"You and me. And of course you can ask for someone else's opinion but who says the last word it's us." Klaus said and I smiled and kissed him. "What was that for?"

"I like when you are being all alpha male." I admitted.

"So you are going to have a great time because he does that all the time." Rebekah said more to herself than to me.

"But now it will be different." I said and Rebekah gave me a look.

"Why you think that love?" Klaus asked curious.

"Because now I'm here. And I like things doing on my terms, besides I am the Queen of the Quarter."

"Are you finally embracing the fact that you are the Queen of the Quarter?" He asked, I nodded and he kissed me.

"But I am specially your queen." I whisper to his ear after I break the kiss, so anyone could hear and Klaus smirked.

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