Chapter 79

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Klaus's POV

We were now laying down in the couch of the library trying to catch our breath.

"Wow... That was unforgettable!" I said smirking then I needed to ask her. "What got into you? I mean, usually it's amazing but today it was..."

"I kind of was trying to prove a point." She said embarrassed.

"What?" I asked curious.

"That I didn't need to be jealous of Cami because you're all mine..." She said quickly and then added "I'm sorry but I just can't help having this feeling about you and Camille. You both seemed so closed and..." She was saying and I cut her off by kissing her.

"You don't have to prove anything. Don't get me wrong, I loved how you prove it a few moments ago that I was all yours." I told her with a smirk and she blushed then I added "but... You don't have to be jealous of Camille or any other women. No women can be compared to you, you are so..."

"Nik, you know that I love you..." She said cutting me off then added "but I'm not that women that you claimed. I am insecure and neurotic and a control-freak. I always come in second and you were the first who always chose me over something or someone else. I'm not that confident women that you think I am, I just can be like that when I have you by my side. You're the best thing that I have in my life and I can't lose you. Without you..."

"Hey, you will never be without me. I won't let you." I said and she smiled and kissed me.

"Can I ask you something Nik?" She asked.

"Anything" I said smiling and admiring her beauty while wondering how anyone could put her in second, she's perfect.

"Why did you try so hard to be with me and show me the part of you that you try to hide in front of others, we barely knew each other?" She asked me.

"Because since the first day I saw you, something in me felt attracted to you and at first I didn't knew what was it, so I tried to get to know you and then I realized it was your light, I always knew you were special but along the time I realized that you were even more special then I thought... You had not just the light, you also cared about other, even about me, after I try to kill your friends you were still there when I needed you. You understood me and I could show you how I really am and not felt weak or less then others. You were the one that even when we're about to die because of me told me that I was capable of being saved, no one ever told me that before with that much of honesty, not even my siblings..." I explained her and she kissed me with love and passion.

"I didn't do nothing special, I just limited to see how you really were under that mask you used in front of people." She said and I smiled.

"Why?" I asked curious. "Why did you try to see the real me after all I had done."

"I didn't try, you showed me and for how much I tried to focus on the horrible things you had done, I could see the reason and the reasons you did what you didn't it wasn't because you were a awful person but because you were lonely or because you were trying to protect your family. I know what is the feeling of being lonely and rejected..." She said and then I saw her flashbacks of being rejected by guys when she was human, when her mom found out she was a vampire and told Damon that she had no daughter and how her father torture her.

"Sorry." I said because it was not my intention to see what she was thinking.

"It's okay. I don't have anything to hide you and now I'm happy with the men I love."

"I love you too." I said and kissed her, she rested her head in my chest, I stroke her hair and start wondering how she manage to get through all that and still be this good person with so much light inside...

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